Blandina Academy: empowering young women

The initiative aims to provide training and quality jobs to young women in the emerging textile industry to address the problem of internal migration caused by the lack of opportunities.


Tamale, Región Norte,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Human development, Gender

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

Studies of the migration due to unemployment indicated that 15% of the working-age females migrate to the Southern part of Ghana every year in search of greater opportunities. Quite often that led to negative vices such as teenage pregnancy, high school dropout, and early marriage.

High unemployment rates among young people, especially women, as a result of limited livelihood alternatives and lack of income-generating skills, can be addressed through the development of professional skills and soft skills among other aspects.

Taking into account the above, providing students with knowledge and skills development in tailoring and dressmaking will allow them to generate self-employment with which to produce income. This training becomes a response to the challenge of reducing unemployment, stopping migration and generating better conditions for a good quality of life in the area for young women who make up the population most affected by school dropouts, teenage pregnancy and early marriage resulting from lack of training and opportunities for competitiveness.

The project

The "Academia Blandina" aims to provide technical training and skills development to young women in design and dressmaking, improve their income generation and increase access to job opportunities to ensure their stability and reduce rural-urban migration.

To achieve these objectives, it is proposed to form an Academy where young women (between 15 and 35 years of age) will be trained in design and dressmaking. Priority will be given to working with young people from communities with limited educational and entrepreneurial opportunities who are not in school. Girls between the ages of 15 and 18 will attend training activities, while those over 18 will also have access to job opportunities.

The training will last for 6 months full time. The training will be free of charge for the students and the sustainability of the Academy will be based on the commercial agreements that will be made with the vendors that will trade the clothes manufactured in the Academy.

The organization will provide a convenient teaching and learning environment for future students. It will equip facilities with the necessary materials, develop a curriculum, and employ experienced teaching and administrative staff.

Know more...

As a result of high school drop out in the Tolon District, 73.8 % of young people are illiterate. The proportion of literate males is higher (63.3%) than that of females (36.7%). This indicates that girls are more prone to school dropout than boys according to the Ghana education service.

Migration from Northern to Southern Ghana has been a long tradition, dating back to the colonial period when cheap labor from Northern Ghana moved seasonally or permanently to the mines, cocoa farms, and other sectors in the south. Literature mentions the important role the migrants involved in this movement have played in the development of the country. It is believed that the positive effects of these movements on the areas of destination were to the detriment of the sending areas. Many researchers have alluded to this development as one of the factors responsible for the underdevelopment of the northern half of the country. More recent migration from Northern to Southern Ghana has included children who seek employment in large cities in the south, particularly, Accra, the capital city, and Kumasi, the second-largest city. This new development could be characterized as children following the trials of their fathers.

Considering the context, it is necessary to develop alternative livelihood activities to improve the standard of living of the inhabitants of the district. The basis of any developing society is to have a continuous system of constant training and instruction for the training of the mind and character of its inhabitants. Education contributes to the process of molding aptitudes and developing technical skills, increasing the capacity to understand and respond to new ideas. For all of the above, it is necessary to transform the condition of the Northern region, especially in the district of Toulon. 

  • Curriculum design: Design of teaching methodology that contains standardized teaching methodology.
  • Employment of instructors and administrative personnel: 5 instructors in design and tailoring and 1 administrative personnel.
  • Acquisition of equipment and materials: Purchase the necessary supplies to provide training (30 industrial sewing machines, 5 tables, 30 chairs, scissors, measuring tape, irons, etc.).
  • Rental of facilities: Rental of a building that provides an adequate environment to host the Academy.
  • Community sensitization: 10 rural communities characterized by limited education and few job opportunities will be visited to invite them to participate in the initiative.
  • Outreach campaigns: Attendance at radio programs organized by Simli and Green Radio to disseminate information about the initiative and increase participation levels.
  • Inauguration ceremony as the opening event of the Academy's functions.
  • Capacity building training: 6-month training activities mainly for out-of-school young women.
  • Graduation and certification: Ceremony of completion of training activities at the end of each cohort. 

Expected results:

For the first year, it is expected to achieve:

  • One (1) curriculum containing a standardized teaching guide.
  • One (1) place to host the Academy that provides the appropriate environment for training and learning activities.
  • Equipment necessary to provide training in design and sewing (30 industrial sewing machines, 5 tables, 30 chairs, scissors, measuring tape, irons, etc.).
  • Visits to ten (10) rural communities to invite young women to participate in the training courses.
  • Two (2) radio campaigns.
  • Sixty (60) young women trained in design and tailoring.
  • Two (2) graduation ceremonies per year.

Expected Impact: 

  • Increase in the level of training and technical skills acquired by young women in the District of Tolón.
  • Increase in the number of young women trained to generate their own income or to enter the formal labor market.
  • More empowered women who can have active participation in family and social decision-making process.
  • More gender equity due to training that allows access to new opportunities.
  • Reduced levels of migration from the northern to southern regions of the country and from rural to urban areas of the region.
  • Reduction of child marriage in rural communities.

Potential partners that would contribute to the success of the program include;

  1. District Assembly: The organization will collaborate with the District Assembly to Strengthen institutional linkages to partners to enhance youth development .
  2. Equipment donors: The Academy will negotiate with suppliers of materials to enhance teaching and learning.
  3. Garment vendors: Identify potential large-scale vendors to supply products across the region.
  4. Traditional Authorities and community leaders: The Academy will work hand-in-hand with local communities to identify potential students to be enrolled in the Academy. 

  • Hamza Paul Fuseini. Local Governance, Department of Agriculture -Tolon District Agricultural officer - Plant Protection and Regulatory Service. Blandina Fashion Design Academy: Founder/ Managing Director.
  • Alidu Blandina. Blandina. Fashion Academy, Garment industry Professional Tailors / Fashion Designer.
  • Abibata Alhassan-Isaac. Fashion Academy, Garment industry Professional Tailors / Fashion Designer.
  • Abudu Stephen. Local governance. Finance and Administration Assistant Finance Office.


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Purchase of industrial training equipment and materials (*) (**)

u$s 13446.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 13446.00


Designing of curriculum for the program (*) (**)

u$s 750.60

u$s 0.00

u$s 750.60

Rent of the building during the first year (*) (**)

u$s 12000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 12000.00

Opening ceremony/launching (*) (**)

u$s 500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 500.00

Graduation and certification ceremony (*) (**)

u$s 273.13

u$s 0.00

u$s 273.13

Human resources

Employment of experienced instructors and administrative personnel (*) (**)

u$s 19089.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 19089.00


Community sensitization (*) (**)

u$s 400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 400.00

Social media sensitization eg. Radio (*) (**)

u$s 600.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 600.00


u$s 47058.73

u$s 0.00

u$s 47058.73

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