NFT art creation program, design of virtual immersive experiences and creation of a DAO for community self-sustainability in the Gran Chaco.


Puerto Bermejo, Chaco,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Economic development, Tourism

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

The women artisans of the Chaco face limitations to achieve higher sales of their native art products, a situation that has been reinforced by the difficulty to improve the selling prices of their products, and by harmful market practices, such as haggling, low sales periods and lack of presence in digital markets.

Some 85% of consumers haggle over the price of handicraft products, reaching a discount of up to 25% of the initial price, which in many cases represents a sale at a loss for the craftswomen, who in turn lack platforms and networks to promote their culture and disseminate their art internationally.

The project

The program consists of the creation of the second crypto-art collection in the region, the design of virtual immersive experiences, the development of intercultural events and the creation of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) for the management, promotion and financing of future digital art projects of the Artisans of the Gran Chaco.

It should be noted that the community of Artisans, Digital Artists and Curators have been developing an innovative experience in the creation of NFT Art, through the creation of the first digital art collection of the Gran Chaco Americano. The current phase of the project will focus on the following components:

  • Give continuity to the collection of NFTs "Creando Caminnos", with the creation of a new series of 18 pieces of Cryptoart, launching the second part of the Roadmap of the collection.
  • Integrating usability and scalability strategies in the collection, linking the purchase of NFTs to the delivery of physical pieces from the "Matriarca®" house, along with the design of virtual immersive experiences and the development of face-to-face events in the territory.
  • Formation of a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) to manage the "Creando Caminnos" collection and future crypto-art pieces of the artisan organizations of the Gran Chaco Americano.

Know more...

The Gran Chaco Americano is a region with a wide cultural, linguistic and population diversity, being a transboundary territory that includes parts of Argentina (55%), Bolivia (25%), Brazil (5%) and Paraguay (20%). More than 20 native indigenous peoples inhabit the region, including the Wichí, Toba Qom, Moqoit, Pilagá, Guaraní, Ava Guaraní, Sanapá and Enxet Sur. Its extension of approximately 1,000,000 km2 is a factor that makes this territory a complex and relevant region for the American culture. Being predominantly rural, connectivity and access to digital services have many limitations. 

The cultural and handicraft richness of this region is currently preserved thanks to the teaching from mothers to daughters, being the handicraft practice a tradition that represents the foundations of the Chaco culture. It is increasingly limited by various factors that prevent its self-sustainability and commercial viability, such as isolation (lack of roads, COVID-19) and the lack of digital media to promote their culture and market their native artwork.

As a result of a tri-national project promoted by a network of organizations committed to the development of the Gran Chaco Americano, such as IDB LAB, Fundación Avina, Fundación Gran Chaco, Grupo Sunu and WTT, among others, centers called Nanum Village have been established, equipped with technological equipment and internet access, with the support of Samsung®. In three years of implementation, this initiative seeks to facilitate the internet connection of 40 rural communities that are isolated, through the home connectivity of 5,000, reaching 25,000 people.

These centers have allowed the launching of the first component of "Creando Caminnos - NFTs with Impact" executed by the CAMINNOS organization. It has enabled meeting spaces between the artisans of the Chaco, Digital Artists and Art Curators, who are in a process of intercultural co-creation to launch the first collection on cultural identity and ancestral knowledge of the Gran Chaco Americano.

  • Formation of the line-up of native artisans, digital artists and the curatorial committee for the second series of NFTs: the line-up of digital artists, the curatorial committee and rural artisans will be convened to be trained under the methodology of intercultural art co-creation.
  • Registration (minting) and exhibition of the pieces of the NFT collection in the Blockchain: community members will be trained in the development of art collections, design of intercultural co-creation experiences with digital artists and registration of the works in the blockchain as NFTs.
  • Design and implementation of the Roadmap for the second series of the NFTs collection: an immersive roadmap will be designed, marketing strategies focused on giveaways will be planned and participatory co-creation events will be held.
  • Creation of a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): a DAO will be launched along with the issuance of governance tokens, for the promotion and financing of future digital art projects of the artisans of the Gran Chaco.

Direct Results

  • A lineup of native artisans, digital artists and the Curatorial Committee will be formed, with the participation of 7 artisan organizations of the Gran Chaco.
  • 36 community members will be trained in the development of art collections, design of intercultural co-creation experiences and registration of digital works in the blockchain as NFTs.
  • A digital art collection of 18 pieces will be developed involving 36 community members, 12 curators, and 12 artists.
  • An immersive roadmap will be designed for the collection of 18 pieces of NFT art.
  • A DAO will be created along with the issuance of Governance tokens.
Expected impact   

  • Rise sales of Gran Chaco Americano native artists by 20% through NFT art, in 12 months.
  • Increase income of Gran Chaco artisans by 15% after 1 year.
  • Enlarge by 25% the visibility of Gran Chaco artisans' products in digital media in 12 months.
  • Improve  the channeling of funds through the DAO for the sustainability of NFT projects in the Gran Chaco by 5% within one year.


  • Alejandro Trujillo, Director ejecutivo CAMINNOS ( - Bolivia
  • Paola Guzman, Directora de Proyectos CAMINNOS ( - Bolivia


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Registro de Colección NFT en la blockchain (Minting, Gas Fees*) (*) (**)

u$s 3000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3000.00

Items promocionales para giveaways y rewards a coleccionistas (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 300.00

u$s 1700.00


Consultores en Arte Digital y NFTs (Artistas Digitales) (**)

u$s 3500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3500.00

Diseño de Roadmap inmersivo (**)

u$s 3200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3200.00

Desarrollo de videos, piezas de marketing y Community management en Discord, Instagram y Twitter (**)

u$s 3500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3500.00

Actualización de landing page e integración de nueva colección con plataformas virtuales, Galerias NFT y DAO (**)

u$s 1500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1500.00

Estudio de Tokenomics para emisión de tokens de Gobernanza (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Creación de DAO y diseño de estructura de Gobernanza (**)

u$s 3000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3000.00

Human resources

Consultores de Capacitación en Arte Digital (**)

u$s 1500.00

u$s 600.00

u$s 900.00

Consultores para experiencia de co-creación en territorio (**)

u$s 2500.00

u$s 400.00

u$s 2100.00

Ejecución de evento de experiencia inmersiva para 2 coleccionistas en territorio (**)

u$s 1500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1500.00

Desarrollo e implementación de estrategia de Marketing Digital y gestión de Redes Sociales (**)

u$s 2500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2500.00

Inclusión de miembros a DAO e inducción al modelo de gobernanza. (**)

u$s 1200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1200.00

Monitoreo, Conducción de Eventos y reuniones de la comunidad de coleccionistas, curadores y organizaciones aliadas (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 300.00

u$s 700.00


Pasajes, estadía y viatico a territorio para 3 consultores. (*) (**)

u$s 4000.00

u$s 800.00

u$s 3200.00

Pasajes a territorio, estadía y viaticos de 2 coleccionistas (para experiencia inmersiva) (*) (**)

u$s 3000.00

u$s 800.00

u$s 2200.00


u$s 37900.00

u$s 3200.00

u$s 34700.00

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