Infrastructural Empowerment in Schools

Initiative that seeks to provide quality infrastructure to schools so as to improve education and reduce dropout rates in Kamwenge City


Kamwenge, Kamwenge,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Connectivity, Infrastructure

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

80% of the public schools in Kamwenge city have poor infrastructure.

35% of the learners drop out of school, 30% fail due to poor performance, 40% of schools experience poor hygienic conditions, 20% of the teachers and the students have reduced motivation, 30% of learners normally experience absenteeism in schools and 23% of poor enrolment in schools (Wiz marketing limited). 

The project

Infrastructural empowerment in schools will improve quality of education in Kamwenge City through construction of quality school infrastructure. The initiative will do the following activities:

Phase 1:

  • Construction of quality classrooms which will improve learning conditions of learners in classrooms
  • Supply of furniture in schools to improve comfortability of learners in classess

Phase 2:

  • Construction of quality libraries and laboratories to improve performance in science subjects and enhance revision of learners

Phase 3:

  • Construct quality toilets with washrooms which will improve sanitation in schools
  • Construct quality bathrooms which will improve the hygienic conditions of learners in schools
  • Construction of water reservoir tanks to improve availability of water in schools

Know more...

The geographical area of Kamwenge Municipality is situated in western Uganda which is located approximately 300 km by road west of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.

The 2014 National population and housing census (UBOS 2014) reported the population of the city to be 414454 of whom 50.9% were females and 49.1% were males. The annual population growth rate of the district was approximately 3% (UBOS 2015). Rwamwanja refugee settlement covers approximately 41.9% square miles and it is located within Nkoma and Bwizi sub-county of Kamwenge city about 45 km from Kyenjojo Town. The settlement has about 69127 refuges making the total population of 478,526 with 13.4% being refugees. The main economic activity of Kamwenge Municipality is Agro-processing and commercial farming (bananas, maize, cassava and sweet potato) are the source of livelihoods of the people in Kamwenge.

The current survey done by Wiz marketing limited indicated that 80% of the public schools in Kamwenge city have poor infrastructure due to allocation of inadequate funds to schools by the government. 35% of the learners drop out of school, 30% fail due to poor performance, 40% of schools experience poor hygienic conditions, 20% of the teachers and the students has reduced motivation,30% of learners normally experience absenteeism in schools and 23% of poor enrolment in schools. Most public schools have classrooms without windows and doors & roofs which exposes learners to harsh weather conditions such as cold, rain, wind and noise which destructs learning sessions resulting in poor performance of learners. Laboratories and libraries are poorly maintained and lack required equipment which reduces the performances in science subjects. There’s also poor water supply in those schools which also lack water reservoirs’ which results in poor hygiene of learners. Poor toilets with some schools even lacking the washrooms which leads to poor sanitation of the learners. Poorly maintained bathrooms which results in health risks of learners.Inadequate furniture which leads to congestion of learners.

The problem of poor school infrastructure has reduced motivation of learners and teachers in schools, teachers feel uncomfortable in classes with no roofs and hinders performance of learners in schools. Learners miss attending lessons because they fear losing their lives due to the poor state of the infrastructure in schools and this reduces the enrolment rate.

Poor state of toilets and bathrooms expose health risks to the learners and teachers which result in disease because of unhygienic conditions.Poor state of libraries and laboratories has reduced the performance of learners because they do not have enough space for revision and doing practical, especially science subjects.

The infrastructural empowerment in schools will improve the quality of education through construction of quality classrooms, provision of furniture to the schools, construction of quality laboratories and libraries, construction of quality toilets and bathrooms and provision of computers hence quality education will be attained.

1. Construction of classrooms

The initiative will construct three classroom blocks in each of the five schools (three primary schools and two secondary schools)

The construction will be done in three phases, each taking six months:

  • First phase – construction of classrooms in one primary school and one secondary school
  • Second phase – construction of classrooms in one primary school and one secondary school.
  • Third Phase – construction wll be done in one primary school.

2. Construction of two laboratories one for each secondary school

This will enable to make sure that every secondary school will be provided with modern laboratories to facilitate smooth learning of science subjects for better performance.

Each secondary school will be supported with the construction of the 02-room block and the necessary lab requirements will be equipped under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science departments.

3. Equipping Schools with furniture

The initiative will collaborate with carpenters to ensure that furniture (desks, office chairs & tables) is provided in all schools. This will be done with the local carpenters under the supervision of the assigned authorities. The furniture will depend on the number of learners in each school.

4. Construction of one five-stance lined pit latrine in each school

The initiative will construct one five-stance lined pit latrine with urinals in each school.

For better sanitation, the toilet will be constructed based on the recommended distance from the main school blocks. Each toilet will have a washroom to improve the sanitation of learners.

5. Installation of water points

Water tanks (one in each school) will be installed in each school to supply enough water in the school. Each School will be supported with the installation of one water tank with 20000 liters capacity.

6. Construction of Bathrooms

The initiative will construct one bathroom with five compartments in each school

Bathrooms with enough space will be constructed based on the recommended distance from main school blocks for better sanitation.

7. Provision of computers in each secondary school

The initiative will provide forty computers for each secondary school

The computers will be provided to the secondary schools to support the students taking computer related subjects.

Direct results

  • 3 classroom blocks per school in 5 schools (3 primary schools & 2 secondary schools)
  • 20 desks per classroom to accommodate 40 students per class translating to a total of 300 twin desks
  • 2 laboratories in the 2 secondary schools
  • 2 libraries in the 2 secondary schools
  • 5 tanks for the 5 schools
  • 5 toilet blocks each with 5 pit latrines(3 for girls,2 for boys) for each of the 5 schools
  • 5 bathrooms blocks with 5 bathrooms for each of the 5 schools

Expected impact

  • Increased performance of all learners by 60% in 3 years.

  • Uganda Rural Development and Training Institute (URDTI)
  •      Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (DRDIP)

  • Nuwabasa Onesmus, People’s Integrated for Development Director (
  • Byarugaba Beddah, Local Government Production Secretary (


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Material de oficina (**)

u$s 7200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 7200.00

Mobiliario (pupitres, mesas y sillas para profesores). (**)

u$s 49735.45

u$s 0.00

u$s 49735.45

5 computadoras para el equipo (**)

u$s 2027.30

u$s 0.00

u$s 2027.30

Computadoras para las 2 escuelas secundarias, 40 para cada escuela. (**)

u$s 32432.44

u$s 0.00

u$s 32432.44

Mobiliario (pupitres, sillas de oficina, armarios, taburetes y mesas). (**)

u$s 217435.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 217435.00


Construcción de un bloque con tres aulas para las 3 escuelas primarias. (**)

u$s 121620.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 121620.00

Construcción de un bloque con tres aulas para cada escuela secundaria. (**)

u$s 81080.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 81080.00

Talleres anuales (**)

u$s 15000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 15000.00

Construcción de 2 laboratorios, uno para cada escuela secundaria. (**)

u$s 100000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 100000.00

Construcción de 2 bibliotecas, una para cada escuela secundaria. (**)

u$s 68000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 68000.00

Instalación de puntos de agua/tanque de agua. (**)

u$s 150000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 150000.00

Baño de 5 habitaciones (**)

u$s 15600.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 15600.00

Construcción de letrinas revestidas con cinco compartimentos, con urinario, para tres escuelas primarias y dos escuelas secundarias. (**)

u$s 43500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 43500.00

Human resources

Gerente de Recursos Humanos. (**)

u$s 97200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 97200.00

Coordinador del Proyecto (**)

u$s 108000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 108000.00

Monitoreo y Evaluación (**)

u$s 90000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 90000.00

Ingeniero (**)

u$s 54000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 54000.00

Oficial de Campo (**)

u$s 54000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 54000.00

Contador (**)

u$s 72000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 72000.00

Oficial de Compras (**)

u$s 64800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 64800.00


Transporte del equipo (**)

u$s 18000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 18000.00


u$s 1461630.19

u$s 0.00

u$s 1461630.19

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