Disruptors: Waste 4 Wealth Frontliners

Collaborative Initiative to address Indiscriminate disposal of solid waste in Abakaliki city.


Abakaliki, Estado de Ebonyi,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Environment, Waste management

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

Over 6,000 tons of waste are generated daily with less than 20% of them evacuated, thereby compromising public health and leading to environmental pollution (baseline survey carried out in 2016 by a student in Ebonyi State University on waste generation in different dumping sites in Abakaliki).

The project

The Waste for Wealth program aims at improving public health and aesthetic value of the city by reducing if not total elimination of indiscriminate dumping of solid wastes on roads, streams and public places. It further aims at:

  • Changing people’s behavior through strengthening of laws against indiscriminate waste disposal.
  • Train 500 purposefully selected individuals/influencers/ambassadors using Train the Trainer Model on conversion of green wastes to organic fertilizers and recycling of plastic wastes. And develop solid waste training manuals .
  • Establish a model small scale recycling facility for the purpose of training possible entrepreneurs who may wish to go into recycling business.
  • Strengthen collaboration between waste pickers, the private sector and households in a collaborative ecosystem of partnership and support through the establishment of well managed waste collection points.

Know more...

Abakaliki became the capital of Ebonyi State following the creation of the state in 1996. It is an agrarian city with a population of over 662,000 inhabitants according to results from the nation census by Nigerian Population Commission, 2006. It is noted for its massive food production, especially yams, rice, cassava, beeni-seed, groundnut and palm oil. It is crossed by the Abonyi river which flows into the cross river then into the Atlantic ocean. The Abonyi river provides the main source of water for domestic and agricultural use and for fishing.

Poor solid waste management (biodegradable and nonbiodegradable materials) poses a lot of problems to public health in Abakaliki. According to research conducted recently by NEW Foundation, over 6000 tons of waste are generated daily from households and other commercial and public places. 59.9% of the solid waste comes from residential homes, 27.9% from commercial sector and 3.7% from industrial sector, while 6.8% comes from institutions. Green waste accounts for 48.2% while plastics accounts for 35.1%. The study further reveals that an average of 9 kg of waste is generated by households daily.This waste is disposed indiscriminately by the citizens on roads, drainages,water bodies, and on streets. The waste collection system by the government fails to reach all areas leaving most waste unevacuated.

The poor solid waste management has led to compromised public health, air, water and land pollution, flooding, unsanitary sights and green gas emissions contributing to climate change (Njoku, C; 2020).

  • Advocacy visits to the Ministry of Environment, Health, and Education: Carry out 3 advocacy visits to the Ministries to get their buy-in and collaboration & reinforcement of existing laws that govern waste management.
  • Training of trainers on organic fertilizer using generated waste: 500 purposefully selected individuals/influencers/ambassadors will be trained using the Train the Trainer Model on conversion of green waste to organic manure and waste sorting at source.
  • Sensitisation campaigns: Conduct sensitization campaigns through the use of radio talks, jingles, dramas, and visits to religious centers, markets, public places, etc.
  • Establishment of a Database of waste pickers and formalizing the waste pickers into cooperatives: Manual and Electronic data of all waste pickers and recyclers established. 3 Nos. Waste Pickers Cooperative Societies Formed and registered with the Ministry of Commerce and Industries.
  • Establish 3 waste Collection Points at Azuiyiokwu, Abakpa, and Azumini areas (wards) for formal and informal waste pickers.
  • Establishment of a model Small scale recycling plant for training possible entrepreneurs who may wish to go into the recycling business.
  • Logistic planning: Plan the logistics support needed to carry out the above activities.

Direct results
  • 3 advocacy visits to Min of Environment, Education & Health carried out.
  • 30 heads of the establishments reached with advocacy messages on waste and sanitation.
  • Sensitization Messages in English and local languages developed and used in jingle production.
  • Media (Radio & Television) programs of 30 minutes duration each and for 60 sessions conducted.
  • 10 Sensitization visits to 10 major religious centers with a target population of over 10,000.
  • 500 heads of Households, community influencers and waste pickers trained on organic waste production; waste sorting and entrepreneurship on waste4wealth.
  • Waste training manuals developed and used in training.
  • 2 Nos Electronic and Manual Data of waste pickers and collection centers developed.
  • 3 Cooperative Societies for informal waste pickers established.
  • 3 waste collection points established.
  • 1 Small model recycling plant established and functioning on the outskirts of the capital city.

Expected impact

  • 20% reduction in public solid waste disposal 10 months after implementing the initiative.
  • Increased number of recyclers in the city by 20%  11 months after implementing the initiative.

  • Ebonyi State Ministry of Environment
  • Ecocycle Limited
  • Good Feel Recycling Company Ltd
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Commerce & Industry.

  • Okezie Kelechukwu, Executive Director NEW Foundation (okeziekelly@gmail.com)
  • Oru Chinelo C, Head of Education & Social Welfare in Abakiliki Local Government (oruchinelo97@gmail.com)


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Impresión de manuales de capacitación sobre gestión de residuos sólidos (**)

u$s 1200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1200.00

Folletos y carteles con mensajes sobre gestión de residuos sólidos (**)

u$s 200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 200.00

Impresión de pancartas flexibles (**)

u$s 50.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 50.00


Producción de jingles sobre gestión de residuos sólidos (**)

u$s 400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 400.00

Emisión de jingles en 2 emisoras de radio (**)

u$s 600.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 600.00

Contratación de sistema de megafonía pública (**)

u$s 150.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 150.00

Desarrollo de manual de capacitación (**)

u$s 500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 500.00

Construcción de planta de reciclaje de residuos a pequeña escala (**)

u$s 5600.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 5600.00

Human resources

Honorarios para 5 personas (**)

u$s 450.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 450.00


Transporte (**)

u$s 800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 800.00


u$s 9950.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 9950.00

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