Menstrual Hygiene In Schools (MHiS)

The initiative seeks to provide menstrual changing rooms, menstrual hygiene products and good standard washrooms to serve girls in their menstrual periods.


Obomeng, Kwahu,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Healthcare, Sexual and Reproductive Health

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

From the research done by the team who is presenting the initiative, about 8 out of 10 schools in the Obomeng area lack good standard washrooms, forcing most adolescent girls to change in nearby bushes, stay out of school or skip classes when they are in their menstrual periods, which ultimately affects the girls performance.The girls also lack awareness of menstrual hygiene which affects their confidence and health.

The project

The initiative seeks to improve the attendance & performance of adolescent girls, by focusing on:

  • Providing spaces and elements for girls to change in school during their periods: the initiative will provide four (4) schools with good standard washrooms supported with menstrual hygiene products such as pads, panties, painkillers to serve girls in their menstrual periods
  • Educating Girls on Menstrual Hygiene: the initiative aims to sensitize 1000 adolescent girls (ages 12 to 16) on menstrual hygiene. It also seeks to promote good health and wellbeing activities through yearly menstrual awareness campaigns with quiz competitions, health screening as to raise awareness on menstruation among pupils and the general public.

Know more...

The Kwahu South Municipality has a population of about 120,000 residents (Ghana Statistical Service, 2021). Kwahu South Municipality is a typical rural economy dominated by crop and fishing activities, with the sector accounting for about 75% of the labor force (Department of Agriculture, 2020). The major crops grown by the people include pepper, tomatoes, maize, cowpea, cocoa, coconuts etc.

According to Education data from the Education Directorate, there are about 6,873 pupils in the basic level, both in the Kwahu South and East Municipalities. Out of this figure, about 3,574 adolescent girls (12-16 years of age) are in the basic level. Sadly, in this era of modernity, some rural adolescent girls use unhygienic cloths, tissue papers, etc. during their menstrual periods, in a desperate attempt to keep clean because of period poverty. However, these approaches expose them to vaginal infections leading to poor health and affect their daily activities, class concentration, attendance and academic performances. Most adolescent school girls end up missing school when in their period due to the lack of good washrooms, menstrual changing rooms & some are unable to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports.

According to the Kwahu South Education Directorate’s report published by the Ghana News Agency in October 2023, 34% of candidates who sat for the final examination failed. Out of this, about 16.4% were boys and 17.6% were girls. Comparatively, poor menstrual hygiene affects the performances of girls as about 35% absent themselves from school due to the absence of good standard menstrual changing facilities to avoid embarrassment according to some teachers. Some girls in the extreme cases resort to using nearby bushes, homes of neighbors, poor toilet facilities, etc. to change used sanitary pads.

1. The construction of good standard washrooms. The team will build 4 hygienic changing rooms to 4 schools. Good standard washrooms come with a menstrual changing room with extra panties, pads, and pain killers.

2. School sanitary products support. To reduce the occurrence of vaginal infections, 1000 girls will be provided with menstrual cups, pads, extra panties, and pain killers.

3. Sensitize and train 1000 female students on washroom and menstrual hygiene management using school fora, radio talk shows, etc.

4. Menstrual awareness campaign. One menstrual awareness campaign will be organized every year on International Menstrual Hygiene Management Day to promote hygienic menstrual practices. The campaign will include the delivery of sporting kits, a drama competition on menstrual hygiene, and a health screening for both pupils and girls in their menstrual periods.

Direct results

  • 4 good standard washrooms will be provided to 4 schools.
  • 1000 adolescent girls will be supported with menstrual hygiene products.
  • 1000 school girls will be sensitized on menstrual hygiene management.
  • 1 menstrual awareness campaign will be organized every year on International Menstrual Hygiene Management Day.
  • 4 schools will be supported with menstrual hygiene products such as menstrual cups, extra panties, pain killers, etc.

Expected Impact

  • Increased attendance in the four schools particularly among menstrual girls by 10 percent by 2025.
  • Improve girl’s academic performance by 5% by 2025.

  • Kwahu South Municipal Assembly (KSMA)
  • Kwahu East District Assembly (KEDA)
  • Kwahu Government Hospital (KGH)
  • AGOO FM 96.9MHz – Radio Station
  • Unity FM 87.7 MHz – Radio Station

  •  Bartholomew Sey, Coordinator Rural Farmer Care Initiative (RFCI) (


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Picnics, dramas, concursos y gastos para 1 evento de concientización (*) (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2000.00

Materiales de construcción para la construcción de 4 baños (**)

u$s 8100.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 8100.00

Kits menstruales, exámenes de salud (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2000.00


Excavación de pozo séptico de 9 pies para baño (*) (**)

u$s 500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 500.00

Contratistas y pintores (**)

u$s 800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 800.00

Transporte de mercancías (**)

u$s 700.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 700.00

Vallas publicitarias de concienciación sobre higiene menstrual (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2000.00

Human resources

Consultas y participación de partes interesadas (*) (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00


Publicidad en medios, viajes nacionales, internet, etc. (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Cerraduras de puertas, asientos de WC, llaves, puertas, etc. (**)

u$s 1500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1500.00


u$s 19600.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 19600.00

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