Thirsty Bees

Project to build the relationship between the bees, crop production and trees in such a way that will help to increase bee population in Teso Sub region.


Soroti, Soroti,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Economic development, Local Economies

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

Teso Sub region is faced with a challenge of decreasing bee population due to high landscape degradation, poor farming methods, increased use of inorganic pesticides that kill the bees and lack of farmer capacity in beekeeping. According to the research carried out by beekeeper trainer Stephen Ekalam in Teso Subregion,out of every 10 hives established with all the suitable conditions only 4 get colonized, even those that get colonized take more than six months to be harvested. This has resulted in low uptake of the Enterprise because of low return on investment hence further decrease of the bee population which leads to decrease in crop yields, food insecurity and low income.

The project

We propose to set up a skilling center which will act as a one stop center for training on good beekeeping practices, a collection center, processing of the bee products and marketing of the farmer bee products. The skilling center will also double as the input center where beekeepers will access inputs like hives, bee equipment, bee forage tree seedlings and study materials to be used at the bee villages.

The skilling center will be the ápex at the district level that will work directly with the bee villages where actual beekeeping will be taking place under the supervisión of the bee guides who will give extensión services to the bee farmers. These will help in increasing the number of bee beekeepers who will support in increasing the bee population.

Know more...

Kaberamaido District was carved out of Soroti District in 2001, with an estimated population of 132,700, according to the national census, with an annual population growth rate of 4.3%. Their main economic activity is agriculture with main emphasis on food crops such as; millet, potatoes, beans, simsim and sunflower. They also produce fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, vegetables and onions whose yields are affected by low pollination levels.

Bees are important pollinators, over 90% of plants need pollinators like bees. Without bees and other pollinators, crop yields will decline, hence it will impact the entire ecosystem. Bee population in the Teso sub region is decreasing by the day caused by a variety of factors like; use of inorganic pesticides, long dry spells, landscape degradation which destroys both the bee forage and habitat. Globally, the changing and increasing effects of global climate change are a major impact on the apiculture sector. As per the statistics from Ngora District Entomology Office, the key causes of bee population reduction in Teso Sub region,include; Landscape degradation (ranked as the major factor with 37%), followed by use of inorganic pesticides (33.3%), limited knowledge (13%), theft (9.3%), limited capital (3.7%). This has led to low crop yields due to poor pollination which will lead to food insecurity and malnutrition, loss of income from sale of bee products due to low or no production.

Our intervention is seeking to reverse the current status quo by; building the skills and capacity of the bee farmers through establishing a skilling center which will double as a collection, processing and input center for all the bee products. The project will also support in identification and training of apiary guides who will provide extension services to the bee farmers hence attracting more farmers to embrace beekeeping.

  • Establishment 2 bee villages in collaboration with Teso Bee Organisation. Bee village is composed of a lead farmer who does the oversight role and 30 beekeepers at the village level where actual beekeeping takes place
  • Establishment of tree nursery for forage tree seedlings. A tree nursery is established to provide forage tree seedlings to the beekeepers and farmers.
  • Establishing a skilling center which will also double as an Eco-tourism center: The skilling center for training, collection and processing of bee products, input supply and marketing will be established and equipped. A queen rearing center will be established and apiary guides trained on queen rearing.
  • Collaboration with government and other development partners: Government departments will take lead in formulation and enforcement of community bylaws to protect the bees and ecosystem destruction.

Direct Results

  • One skilling center developed and equipped for training, bee products collection, processing and input supplies. It will also double as an Eco Tourism Center where students, farmers and tourists can come to learn and site visits.
  • Two bee villages with 340 hives established in Kaberamaido district to supply the skilling center with beekeepers and bee products.
  • One tree nursery with 5,000 seedlings established at the skilling center to provide forage tree seedlings for the farmers to establish bee forage for their bees and betterment of the ecosystem.
  • 10 Apiary guides identified and trained on good beekeeping practices, hive making and bylaws that are translated into Ateso and Kumam languages for the farmers to understand.

Expected impact

  • Increased bee population by 125% in two years.
  • 5 times Increase in honey production in two years.
  • Increase in families practicing. beekeeping by 100% in two years.

  • Teso Bee Organisation - TEBO
  • Busitema University
  • The Uganda National Apiculture Development Organisation - TUNADO
  • National Forestry Authority - NFA
  • Soroti Catholic Dioces Development Organisation - SOCADIDO
  • The Land Accelerator Programe

  •  Ann Grace Akiteng, Programs Coordinator - Creative Initiative for Enterprise Development (CIfED) (


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Material de oficina. (*)

u$s 44.00

u$s 44.00

u$s 0.00

Provisión de refrigerios para concientización e inscripción. (*)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

Equipamiento del centro de capacitación. (**)

u$s 6115.28

u$s 0.00

u$s 6115.28

Equipamiento para el establecimiento de 2 aldeas apícolas en los distritos. (**)

u$s 6055.56

u$s 0.00

u$s 6055.56

Equipamiento para el establecimiento de 1 vivero de árboles en el centro de capacitación. (**)

u$s 2390.28

u$s 1500.00

u$s 890.28

Equipamiento para el establecimiento y entrenamiento de cría de reinas. (**)

u$s 4583.33

u$s 2000.00

u$s 2583.33


Identificación de sitio y construcción del centro de capacitación + establecimiento de sitio de cría de reinas. (**)

u$s 41458.33

u$s 0.00

u$s 41458.33

Redacción de reglamentos comunitarios. (**)

u$s 416.67

u$s 0.00

u$s 416.67

Traducción de los reglamentos al idioma Kumam y Ateso. (**)

u$s 347.22

u$s 0.00

u$s 347.22

Entrenamiento de los guías apícolas. (**)

u$s 41.67

u$s 0.00

u$s 41.67

Apoyo de facilitación de socios. (**)

u$s 416.67

u$s 0.00

u$s 416.67

Human resources

Contribución del 10% para el Director Ejecutivo durante 12 meses. (**)

u$s 2333.33

u$s 0.00

u$s 2333.33

Contribución del 10% para el Gerente de Finanzas y Administración durante 12 meses. (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2000.00

Salario para 4 Oficiales de Proyecto durante 12 meses. (**)

u$s 2333.33

u$s 0.00

u$s 2333.33

Oficial de Comunicaciones. (**)

u$s 1166.67

u$s 0.00

u$s 1166.67

Contribución salarial para el Contador durante 12 meses. (**)

u$s 833.33

u$s 0.00

u$s 833.33


Transporte hacia y desde las comunidades para concientización e inscripción. (*)

u$s 334.00

u$s 334.00

u$s 0.00

Gastos generales de administración. (**)

u$s 6722.22

u$s 0.00

u$s 6722.22

Impresión de copias de los reglamentos comunitarios. (**)

u$s 13.89

u$s 0.00

u$s 13.89

Contribución al Fondo de Seguridad Social Nacional (NSSF), el 10% de los salarios. (**)

u$s 750.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 750.00


u$s 79355.78

u$s 4878.00

u$s 74477.78

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