Productive Cooking Pots

An initiative that promotes the transformation of community cooking pots into productive cooking pots in pursuit of food security and employment generation with a gender focus.


Ate, Lima,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Economic development, Labor

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

In Peru, more than 4 million people suffer from hunger, more than 44 percent of children aged 6-35 months suffer from anemia, and more than 12 percent of children under 5 suffer from chronic malnutrition (INEI, 2019 UNICEF, 2019). These alarming indicators expose the problem of food insecurity in Peru.

The "Ollas Comunes” (Community Cooking Pots) help to prevent this reality from spreading to more households. An estimated 250,000 families in Lima depend on 2,400 community cooking pots. These pots reappeared in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a decline of 11 GDP points, marking the most significant drop in the economy in the last 30 years. 

The project

"Productive Cooking Pots" is an initiative that looks for the transformation of communal cooking pots into productive cooking pots, promoting nutritional food security and the generation of employment and income with a gender focus. By empowering women and making visible the relevance of the role of the mother head of household in vulnerable communities, the initiative seeks to guarantee food and nutritional security for present and future generations in Ate and other districts of Peru and Latin America. In this sense, it promotes an integral vision of self-sustainability and gender that considers the improvement and well-being of the women managers of the Ollas Comunes (communal cooking pots), providing them with technical-productive education, access to support networks, technical accompaniment, access to possible sources of financing and expansion to new markets.

Know more...

The municipality of Ate is located in the province and department of Lima, in the central and eastern part of Metropolitan Lima, on the left bank of the Rimac River valley. It is the tenth district with the largest territorial extension (77.72 km2) and the third in population, with 599,196 inhabitants (INEI, 2017 census).

In terms of food insecurity, the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI, 2019) reported that more than 4 million people suffer from hunger in Peru. In turn, a UNICEF report (2019) recorded that more than 44% of children aged 6-35 months suffer from anemia, and more than 12% of children under 5 years suffer from chronic malnutrition.

In Ate, 65 formalized Ollas Comunes (Community cooking pots) operate in which more than 1160 women entrepreneurs work, benefiting more than 4000 people. However, there are many informal Ollas Comunes, which means that women receive charity or political or business handouts to guarantee food supplies, which exposes them to possible business or political whims or benevolence. The profile of the population affected by this reality is poor families in urban-rural areas whose heads of household are women between 25 and 50 years old.

Due to the importance of the Ollas Comunes in the populous districts of East Lima, it is urgent that mechanisms be sought to promote their self-sustainability and transformation into productive units. Although support from the State and the private sector has been increasing in recent years (especially in the case of the recently formalized pots), many of them continue to be sustained by the scarce resources provided by the mothers and direct beneficiaries.

  • A1: Fundraising: assign a team to map calls, apply for grants, and/or seek support directly by contacting international cooperation organizations like “Ángeles inversionistas" to manage start-up funds, seed capital, and/or international cooperation support, as well as alliances or links with ecosystem actors.
  • A2: Implement the initial strategic phase of the project (2 community cooking pots). Systematize and disseminate the experience. 
  • A3: Train and provide technical support to the women for 7 months, first training them in culinary techniques and B2C sales (first phase).
  • A4: Convene a multidisciplinary committee that includes the pots, the municipality, the ministry, academia, cooperation, the leaders involved, and businesses to reorient and redefine public policy programs.
  • A5: Formalise the initiative and assign clear responsibilities.
  • A6: Sale of food parcels and food delivery. First B2C sales. 
  • A7: Achieve and manage quality standards for products produced to scale up to B2B markets.
  • A8: First self-funded community nursery project to provide care, food, and education for women's children. 
  • A9: Apply for and participate in global awards and recognitions.

Direct results

  • A1- 2 funds raised /1 cooperation entity supporting the project / 5 partnerships established.
  • A2- Initial strategic implementation in the first phase of the project (2 common cooking pots).
  • A3- 5 training implemented (minimum at technical or specialization level) with at least 80% of women passed and concrete skills achieved (measurable) / - At least 30 women trained in culinary techniques and B2C sales.
  • A4- 1 committee made up of at least 7 multidisciplinary actors.
  • A5- 2 common cooking pots that are set up as a company or production unit.
  • A6- At least 100 B2C customers served.
  • A7- At least 1 standard certification achieved.
  • A8- 1 project profile completed.
  • A9- Nomination for 5 awards or recognitions.

Expected impact

  • Contribute to the decrease of 1% of chronic malnutrition in the district of Ate with an increase of 10% per phase of the imitative.
  • 100% increase in the economic income of the members of the common cooking pots in the district of Ate.
  • Increase the entrepreneurial capacities of 100% of the common cooking pots organizations to become productive cooking pots in the district of Ate.
  • Articulate 100% of women members of productive cooking pots with other actors, sectors, and allies.
  • Formalization of 2 common cooking pots in the district of Ate.

  • Municipality of ATE
  • GovLink
  • Loyalty Partners 
  • Midis (Qaliwarma Program)

Development and Social Inclusion Management- District Municipality of Ate:  is a line body that aims to create and promote the necessary conditions for adequate human and social development in the management of sustainable and Sustainable Local Development in the district. It promotes citizen participation through grassroots social organizations and is responsible for planning and directing the implementation of projects, programs, and activities aimed at improving the quality of life of children, women and men, older adults, people with disabilities, and the general population of the district of Ate, through its four sub-managers: Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, Food Assistance and Social Inclusion, Health and Social Welfare, Citizen Participation.

GOVLINK: It is the first GovTech matchmaking platform that seeks to link the Ibero-American technological offer with the unattended demand of the different levels of government, with a focus on regional and local governments, all centralized in a single digital point. GovLink also provides training for civil servants and entrepreneurs, legal advice in its sandbox, spaces for dialogue, and support for social impact initiatives.


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

KIT de gastronomía (insumos alimenticios, materiales cocina, máquina para comenzar a panificar, refrigerador, otros). (*) (**)

u$s 16440.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 16440.00


Servicio de diagnóstico inicial (*) (**)

u$s 5480.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 5480.00


Constitución de la empresa, trámites frente a Inacal, movilidades, otros. (**)

u$s 10960.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 10960.00


u$s 32880.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 32880.00

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