Collaborative platform for labor inclusion

Collaborative digital space in which local government and social organizations work towards the labor inclusion of people living in poverty.


Lanús, Buenos Aires-GBA,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Economic development, Labor

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

The phenomenon of informal employment is one of the main causes of poverty in Argentina. In addition, the different social organizations and local governments with the role of mediating in the processes of labor inclusion are unable to articulate collaborative actions to provide a level of response that generates a real and long-term impact.

Informal employment affects 4 out of every 10 workers, which is equivalent to more than 5 million people in urban agglomerates and in the interior of the country, such as the suburbs of Buenos Aires, the regions of Cuyo, Northeast, Northwest Pampa and Patagonia. In the district of Lanús, there are around 90,000 people in this situation, which represents almost 40% of wage earners, and in some sectors it is even higher.

The State has several interventions in the labor field to help precarious workers, and one of the most effective is labor intermediation through the Municipal Employment Offices, which benefits various actors and can result in real practices of stable labor inclusion for the most vulnerable segments. However, the different employment offices in Argentina, including the Lanús Employment Office, lack computer systems for an adequate follow-up of the processes that would allow them to work as a team in a coordinated manner, generate records of labor histories and interview instances, register the activity of the demand, reconcile information and carry out a collaborative management between different employment offices and social organizations that promote employability.

The project

Digital space in which local government and social organizations work collaboratively for the labor inclusion of low-income people. The initiative consists of two complementary axes:

1) COMMUNITY: Strengthening of the community of referents of labor inclusion from different sectors, to facilitate communication and linkage, and thus share information, good practices, success stories and new initiatives of articulation arise. The objective of this axis is to raise awareness, increase commitment and reduce ideological barriers that hinder collaborative work for labor intermediation.

2) PLATFORM: Implementation of an open computer system to manage collaborative actions and an adequate follow-up in the labor intermediation processes that also includes a directory of referents that participate in the initiative. The existence of an open, free and free computer system for collaborative management will be disseminated in the community. Emphasis will be placed on the benefits and results that can be achieved by being part of the network. Individual meetings will be held between employment offices and NGOs that are not yet part of the community to inform them of the importance of belonging to it and of having a tool to improve labor intermediation practices.

Know more...

The municipality of Lanús is a district located in the southern area of Greater Buenos Aires, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It covers an area of approximately 45 km² and borders the districts of Avellaneda, Lomas de Zamora, Quilmes and is located about 12 km from the center of the City of Buenos Aires. According to the last census conducted in 2022, the Municipality of Lanús has a population of about 463,000 inhabitants. This makes it one of the most populated districts of Greater Buenos Aires. Regarding informal employment in the district of Lanús, there are around 90,000 people in this situation, which represents almost 40% of the salaried workers, and in some sectors it is even higher.

Informal employment and the lack of labor inclusion hinder the recognition of labor rights, are associated with poverty in its various dimensions and generate serious negative effects on workers and their families, companies and the State. In addition, informal workers generally do not have the necessary protection against various social risks, such as occupational accidents, unemployment, poverty in old age, among others.

These segments are characterized by having little work experience, being young or over 40 years of age, having limited income and lacking social and economic networks to find employment. For some companies, informality may mean operating with low productivity levels, with limited expansion capabilities, while for others, operating within formality, it may mean facing unfair competition. Labor informality affects equity, efficiency, the State's capacity to collect resources, the scope of social security, productivity and growth.

Until 2021, the Lanús Employment Office operated without adequate IT support to properly provide labor intermediation services. During the last two years, Triadan together with the Lanús Employment Office carried out a first partial implementation of the initiative, providing them with advice on good labor inclusion practices, and a management platform that speeds up and facilitates the intermediation processes. As a result, 1,000 people were helped to obtain formal employment.

At the same time, virtual meetings were held to start building the community of labor inclusion referents, such as Fundación Empujar, Poténciate Consultora, Social BA, Centro Educativo Siembra tu futuro laboral, Gobierno de Junín, Emprender en femenino, Escuela Técnica Nª7 de Lanús, FOPET (Federación de Organizaciones para la Educación Técnica), Comunidad IT to promote collaborative actions, strengthen relationships and the first efforts of the initiative.

Sources: REDALYC (2017 and 2020) - CONICET (2017) - UCES (2017)- ILO (2013).

  •  Virtual meetings
  •  Communication campaigns
  •  Networking
  •  Training workshops
  •  Recruitment
  •  Platform implementation
  •  Platform induction
  •  Platform optimization

Direct results
  • 12 Virtual meetings
  • 12 Communication campaigns
  • 24 Networking actions
  • 12 Training workshops on best practices in intermediation
  • Recruitment of 300 organizations to the digital space
  • Implementation of the platform in 150 organizations
  • 10 platform induction meetings
  • 4 feedback workshops.

Intermediate results

  • COMMUNITY AXIS: That organizations incorporate the necessary knowledge about good labor intermediation practices, eliminate ideological prejudices, and redefine the value of their role as labor intermediaries in reducing informal employment and poverty, motivating them to start working collaboratively.
  • PLATFORM AXIS: Use and valuation of technology to make collaborative labor intermediation processes more efficient.

Expected impact

  • To bring together 900 referent organizations of labor intermediation.
  • 600 organizations using the platform
  • Inclusion of 300,000 low-income people in the labor market.
  • Bring together 1,400 labor intermediation referral organizations
  • 1,000 organizations to use the platform
  • Inclusion of 500,000 low-income people in the labor market.

Lanús Employment Office
Empujar Foundation
Potenciate Consulting
Social BA
Siembra tu Futuro laboral

Lucas Miranda, partner Triadan HR, 
Federico Prieto, partner Triadan HR,
Daniela Gimenez, partner Triadan HR,


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing


Servicio de alojamiento web (*) (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 400.00

u$s 1600.00

Servicio de videoconferencias (*) (**)

u$s 144.00

u$s 144.00

u$s 0.00

Human resources

Equipo coordinador (**)

u$s 72000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 72000.00

Programador Back End (*) (**)

u$s 9600.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 9600.00

Programador Front End (*) (**)

u$s 9600.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 9600.00

Diseñador UX/UI (*) (**)

u$s 6400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6400.00

Growth Marketer (*) (**)

u$s 12000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 12000.00


u$s 400.00

u$s 400.00

u$s 0.00


u$s 360.00

u$s 360.00

u$s 0.00

Capacitador en buenas prácticas de inclusión laboral (*)

u$s 120.00

u$s 120.00

u$s 0.00

Capacitador en el uso de la plataforma

u$s 100.00

u$s 100.00

u$s 0.00

Project Manager

u$s 4000.00

u$s 4000.00

u$s 0.00

Comunicador social (*) (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6000.00

Community manager (*) (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6000.00

Maquetador (*) (**)

u$s 6400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6400.00

Diseñador web (*) (**)

u$s 4000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 4000.00


Servicios de consultoría legal y contable (*) (**)

u$s 1800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1800.00


u$s 140924.00

u$s 5524.00

u$s 135400.00

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