Ungogo Participatory Development Initiative

To train and equip unemployed youth with knowledge, skills, and attitudes in entrepreneurship, vocational and technical education to enable them to be self-employed, employ others, and be marketable.


Ungogo, Kano,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Education, Informal education

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

The programme, CREATION OF JOB OPPORTUNITIES is seen as the concrete way reducing the unemployment rate to a lesser percentage (65% - 30%) in Ungoggo Local Government. This can only be achieve through the establishment of entrepreneurial Organizations and a parallel motivation contributions from the government side, other volunteer groups from international communities and, or from within the Nigerian societies will be an added advantage. Establishment of vocational training centers will put the youth through towards creating some job opportunities for themselves. Other educative programmes will attract investors to the area. The government should put hand together with some financial institutions, such as banks and other investment houses to provide soft loans and some possible contributions so as to aid the small scale businesses like; farming &animal rearing, communication services centers, carpentry, tailoring services and their likes. 

The project

The Ungogo Participatory Development Initiative proposes more education, awareness and general enlightenment to the society to reduce the youth unemployment rate to foster social and economic development in the region. The initiative consists in addressing educational programs to people aged 18 to 40. The training will focus on the characteristics, needs and opportunities of urban, peri-urban and rural areas. The training is in "Fashion and Tailoring", "Carpentry and Joinery" and "Agriculture and Animal Husbandry". At this initial stage, the program is designed to be a centralized activity, unless the need arises for a possible extension to another center. It is planned to select trainees in the three categories in the regions covering the three training profiles. 

Targeting is a strategy to reach a larger number of people by empathizing with their needs and understanding the context to ensure the employment generation everywhere. This is also expected to discourage rural to urban migration, and minimize congestion and other associated problems.

Regarding the training plan, each session of the 3 batches will take 3 months, therefore, it is expected to hold a total of 9 sessions yearly. To improve participation, the trainees will pay a minimum fee (around USD35) per training which will not only be used for meeting the partial salary payment of teachers but also will increase the commitment of the participants. 

The initiative will be implemented in three phases, the first one focuses on training, the next one is to support trainees through equipping them to drive self-employment generation and the last one will be to provide financial support for them to become employers driving together the unemployment rate reduction. 

The pilot phase is designed to last one year and it only encloses the training set. The positive results of this phase does not only allow the initiative to be extended to other centres triggering different categories according to the local necessities but also it will allow the equipment and financial support stages.  

Know more...

Absence of employment opportunities in Ungoggo Local Government Area, Kano state which resulted from unawareness about entrepreneurial initiations and establishment of vocational institutions and a very minimal motivation from the government side and perhaps coupled with the natural transformation of the society from rural to urban brought about the very high unemployment rate in the community. Other factors may include; unskilled, lack of investors as a result of Nigerian factors, such as insecurity and general miss-appropriation of resources. These together caused the unemployment rate to reach 65% in the area.

  • Renting a property of the kind that suits the diverse training programs.
  • Employing the services of professional consultants and other supporting personnel who will team up together to part the knowledge to the youth. 
  • Providing equipment and other supporting goods necessary for the program.
  • Imparting the knowledge: Training include both the theoretical and practical segments. Trainees will be attending from their respective settlement areas of the local government of which some of them will be within the vicinity of the center while others may be come from the remote areas. The trainees may be coming will vary, ranging from 1-10 kilometers.
  • Certification: There will be 3 certification ceremonies per year.  
  • Empowerment, support, and onward supervision to follow up with alumni and assist them in the finding employment or starting a business. 

The expected results for the first year of implementation are: 

  • Having three recognized places that will be references for youth to be trained as the access gate for job opportunities.
  • Hiring 6 consultants to provide all training
  • Getting the equipment necessary to address the three different training
  • Training 360 youth people coming from urban, sub-urban and rural areas.
  • 3 certification ceremonies 

Expected Impact

  • Contributing to the unemployment rate reduction in the area 
  • Triggering a stronger economy 
  • Improving the livelihood of the citizens
  • Increasing social security 
  • Getting general betterment of the populace.

  • Aliyu Salisu. Tarbiyya Initiative Nigeria / CEO. Salisualiyu19@yahoo.com
  • Ismail Aminu. Local Government Secretariat / Chief Executive officer Admin. ismailaminu013@gmail.com
  • Ibrahim Ado. Local Government Secretariat / Principle Executive Officer Admin. ibrahimadocoach@gmail.com
  • Umar Muhammad. Ministry of Health/ Community health extension worker. Umarmuhammadsaid560@gmail.com
  • Abdurrahim Salis. Tarbiyya Initiative Nigeria / Program Assistant. abdulsalisu019@gmail.com
  • Yunusa Alay. Ministry of Education / Assistant Lecturer. yunusaaliyu12@gmail.com
  • Mustapha Haladu. Tarbiyya Initiative Nigeria / Program Manager. mustaphamaslaha@gmail.com
  • Khabiru Us man. Aminu Kano International Airport / Porter. Kabiruu507@gmail.com
  • Sadik Ahmad. SUBEB/Class Teacher. sadikahmadmustapha@gmail.com
  • Khadija Yunusa. Bayero University Kano/Senior Lecturer. Khadijayunusa250@gmail.com

  • Acces Bank
  • Indomies
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Agro Forest Nigeria Limited
  • Wood Peckers Nig Ltd


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Five tables (*) (**)

u$s 356.25

u$s 0.00

u$s 356.25

Thirty chairs (*) (**)

u$s 851.00

u$s 200.90

u$s 650.10

Boards & markers (*) (**)

u$s 360.80

u$s 0.00

u$s 360.80

Flip-chart (*) (**)

u$s 120.27

u$s 0.00

u$s 120.27

Dusters (*) (**)

u$s 24.18

u$s 0.00

u$s 24.18

Wardrobe (*) (**)

u$s 400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 400.00

Printer (*) (**)

u$s 356.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 356.00

Stationary (*) (**)

u$s 2156.50

u$s 268.10

u$s 1888.40

Industrial sewing machines & accessories (*) (**)

u$s 6937.50

u$s 2549.03

u$s 4388.47

Handsaw (*) (**)

u$s 420.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 420.00

Tape measure (*) (**)

u$s 500.75

u$s 0.00

u$s 500.75

Hammer (*) (**)

u$s 300.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 300.00

Drill machine (*) (**)

u$s 2312.50

u$s 1500.65

u$s 811.85

Chisel (*) (**)

u$s 200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 200.00

Poultry equipment and medication (*) (**)

u$s 2048.00

u$s 1038.00

u$s 1010.00

Office supplies (*) (**)

u$s 654.30

u$s 0.00

u$s 654.30


Apprenticeship services (*) (**)

u$s 1156.25

u$s 511.03

u$s 645.22

Consultants to design the training curriculum to meet national and international standars (*) (**)

u$s 758.33

u$s 0.00

u$s 758.33

Open ceremony launching (*) (**)

u$s 740.80

u$s 0.00

u$s 740.80

Community sensitization (*) (**)

u$s 815.33

u$s 49.88

u$s 765.45

Radio sensitization (*) (**)

u$s 719.03

u$s 0.00

u$s 719.03

Rental services (*) (**)

u$s 862.66

u$s 48.40

u$s 814.26

Transport and Logistics (*) (**)

u$s 756.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 756.00

Rental of Town Hall Meeting (*) (**)

u$s 502.77

u$s 0.00

u$s 502.77

Human resources

Project lead (*) (**)

u$s 3070.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3070.00

Accountants (*) (**)

u$s 1375.00

u$s 499.15

u$s 875.85

Instructors (*) (**)

u$s 4075.00

u$s 1080.30

u$s 2994.70

Auxiliar staff (*) (**)

u$s 980.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 980.00


Refreshments (*) (**)

u$s 1149.56

u$s 0.00

u$s 1149.56


u$s 34958.78

u$s 7745.44

u$s 27213.34

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