Digital Consulting for Older Adults

Free digital support and advisory spaces designed by and for older adults, aimed at promoting their digital autonomy and social participation.


CABA, Capital Federal,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Digital Transformation, Technology

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

In the City of Buenos Aires, 23% of the population consists of individuals aged 60 and older (715,000 seniors). Among them, 64% face difficulties in independently performing digital transactions (National Survey on Quality of Life of Older Adults 2012, ENCaViAM, INDEC).

The project

The Digital Consulting for Seniors initiative aims to establish free support spaces in the Day Centers of the city, self-managed by older adults who have been previously trained as digital facilitators. These facilitators will provide assistance and guidance to their peers to help them complete online transactions.

Specific Objectives:

  • Conduct training cycles for senior volunteers to assume the role of "digital facilitators," equipping them with tools to develop both soft and technological skills.
  • Implement digital consulting sessions with personalized support in the Day Centers of the GCBA, ensuring accessible and safe spaces for seniors to access digital guidance and assistance.
  • Develop a resource guide for seniors on digital transactions, updated and available in both analog and digital formats.
  • Explore funding and support opportunities through dialogue spaces, working groups, and collaboration agreements to align efforts and build partnerships between the public, private, and civil society sectors.

Innovation Highlights:

  • User-Centered Approach: Both the design and implementation are rooted in a holistic approach centered on the user, placing older adults at the forefront, addressing their emotional, social, and digital well-being.
  • Proven Model: The initiative is based on a tested model through the implementation of pilot prototypes in the city’s Day Centers. These pilots engaged volunteers who demonstrated remarkable growth as digital facilitators, enhancing their technological skills and fostering social empowerment by serving their community and promoting digital inclusion among peers.
  • Leveraging Existing Capacities: The project builds on established capacities, a committed team combining social innovation skills and resources, and the infrastructure and programs of the local government.
  • Scalable and Replicable Solution: The initiative offers a scalable model to strengthen digital autonomy, foster community engagement, and solidify collaboration among organizations and entities targeting the "silver segment." The model can adapt and replicate in other wellness points and community spaces, such as senior centers, clubs, and educational centers.
  • Comprehensive Impact: This initiative not only combats digital exclusion but also enhances social participation, facilitates intergenerational exchange, promotes the active aging paradigm, and fosters the creation of more inclusive communities.

Know more...

The City of Buenos Aires (CABA), the capital of Argentina, is a cultural, economic, and political hub with over 3 million inhabitants and one of the most aged jurisdictions in the country. The city implements innovative policies and valuable programs aimed at this demographic, as well as noteworthy efforts to promote the digital inclusion of older adults and personalized support for managing governmental and personal procedures. Additionally, CABA boasts 29 Day Centers, neighborhood-based gerontological orientation facilities that work to strengthen community networks, fostering autonomy and active participation for over 1,400 daily attendees.

Despite a wide array of services, training programs, and wellness points for individuals aged 60 and older, the rapid population aging and the growing digitalization of everyday activities, such as banking transactions or scheduling medical appointments, disproportionately affect older adults. These individuals face significant barriers to adapting to these changes and maintaining their independence in daily life.

The city faces challenges related to the social and digital inclusion of older adults, accessibility to basic services for this group, and strengthening community networks to promote active aging. The lack of autonomy among older adults in performing digital transactions limits their social participation and reduces their quality of life. The consequences include increased dependence on others, loss of opportunities, and exclusion. This situation also impacts older adults’ self-perception, undermines their confidence in adapting to technology, and reinforces isolation. Unwanted loneliness resulting from this disconnection negatively affects their emotional well-being and deepens their vulnerability.

The causes of this problem are multifaceted: rapid technological advancements, the automation of service processes, low levels of digital literacy, coupled with concerns about online security and distrust in providing personal information online. These challenges are exacerbated by biases about the digital autonomy of older adults. Barriers include user-unfriendly interfaces, complex forms or procedures, legal or technical terminology, and a lack of systematic information. Additionally, issues such as reduced dexterity, mobility problems, or impaired vision further complicate the use of digital devices. Finally, the lack of coordination among key stakeholders, the fragmentation of public policies, and private and civil society initiatives hinder efficient solutions to address the challenges of digital transition.

  • Training and Fieldwork for Senior Volunteers as Digital Facilitators: A joint training cycle between Inmigrantes Digitales Asociación Civil and SECBI will focus on developing digital and socio-professional skills among senior volunteers to implement Digital Consultations in Day Centers (CDDs). The training and fieldwork will span 9 months, divided into three 3-month cycles (each cycle involves 4 CDDs and 20 senior volunteers, resulting in 60 seniors trained annually). The training team will include educators, psychologists from both organizations, and students undertaking professional internships.
  • Implementation of Digital Consultations in GCBA Day Centers: Coordination and launch of 12 free consultation spaces for digital queries and procedures. Each consultation service will operate in two phases:

a) In-person sessions with participants,

b) Query analysis and support until resolution.

The launch process includes one month of preparation with assistance from the full implementation team in each CDD, followed by a self-managed operation with ongoing support.

  • Development of a Digital Procedures Resource Guide for Seniors: This involves creating step-by-step resolution routes for model digital procedures, including record-keeping and monitoring sheets. These guides will be based on processes from the Active Listening and Personalized Attention program (SECBI), covering national procedures (e.g., PAMI, CUD, ANSES, SUBE) and city-level ones (e.g., Telepase, VTV, complaints, proof of life certificates, among others). Finalized guides will be tested with senior volunteers.
  • Partnerships, Alliances, and Concrete Support from the Private Sector for Initiative Development: This includes exploring potential funding sources and support to establish alliances between the government, private sector, and civil society for the initiative and other solutions to the challenge of digital autonomy for seniors. The plan involves applying for competitive funding, exploring partnerships, organizing a public/private forum, and drafting and signing agreements for implementation.
  • Dialogue Spaces and Working Groups with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to Address the Challenge of Digital Autonomy for Seniors: Intersectoral working groups and regular dialogue spaces will strengthen collaborative efforts among various stakeholders with shared goals, aiming for greater impact on the target population.

Direct Results

  • Two Manuals Developed: One for training senior volunteers (technology and digital consultancy skills) and one for implementing digital consultation services.
  • Two Volunteer Support Tools Developed: A CRM platform for query registration and tracking and 40 hours of approved professional internships in at least one university.
  • 48 Senior Volunteers Trained certified as "digital facilitators" to implement digital consultations in Day Centers (CDDs).
  • 12 Digital Consultations Implemented: Operational in CDDs of the GCBA or other designated spaces during the first year.
  • Digital Procedures Resource Guide Designed: Available in both analog and digital formats.
  • Three Collaboration and/or Funding Agreements Signed: Ensuring the implementation and sustainability of the consultations.
  • One Public/Private Forum Organized to highlight the initiative and explore funding opportunities.
  • Three Dialogue Spaces and Working Groups Developed engaging CSOs interested in contributing to and enriching the initiative.

Expected Impact

  • 15% Improvement in Digital Autonomy: Enhance the ability of seniors attending Day Centers to independently handle digital transactions by 2025.
  • Expand Digital Consultations to 25% of Day Centers: Implement digital consulting services in a quarter of CDDs in Buenos Aires by 2025.
  • Establish a Virtual Data System for registering and tracking procedures of individuals utilizing digital consultations by 2025.

  • Navarro Viola Foundation (
  • Day Centers (CDD) of the Secretariat of Comprehensive Welfare (SECBI), Government of the City of Buenos Aires (GCBA)(
  • University of Flores (

  • Verónica Capurro, Executive Director, Inmigrantes Digitales Asociación Civil (
  • Eleonora Segura, Project Leader, Inmigrantes Digitales Asociación Civil (
  • Karina Llorenty, Implementation Coordinator in the Field, Inmigrantes Digitales Asociación Civil (
  • Ignacio Salaverri, General Director of Ciudad Amigable (DGCA), Secretariat of Comprehensive Welfare (SECBI), Government of the City of Buenos Aires (GCBA).
  • Leila Marquese, Operational Manager of the Silver Economy, (DGCA, SECBI, GCBA) (
  • María Florencia Platino, Advisor - Liaison with CSOs, (SECBI, GCBA) (


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Sala de capacitaciones (*) (**)

u$s 4800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 4800.00

Mobiliario para el dictado de capacitaciones (Sillas, computadoras,proyector, pantalla, sonido, conectividad zoom) (*) (**)

u$s 38616.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 38616.00

Material didácticos para capacitaciones (Manual/ Cuadernillo/Folletería) (*) (**)

u$s 1860.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1860.00

Equipamiento para el dictado de capacitaciones (mesas, sillas, folletería) (*) (**)

u$s 13680.00

u$s 2400.00

u$s 11280.00

Guía impresa (*) (**)

u$s 480.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 480.00

Salón equipado (*) (**)

u$s 5300.00

u$s 4800.00

u$s 500.00


Catering (**)

u$s 3000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3000.00

Sistema virtual de carga de datos (**)

u$s 800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 800.00

Micro Sitio web de la iniciativa (**)

u$s 800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 800.00

Licencias de Adobe Ilustrator y Photoshop (*)

u$s 35.00

u$s 35.00

u$s 0.00

Human resources

Equipo profesional necesario para el dictado de las capacitaciones (Coordinador Gral. de capacitaciones, psicologo, 2 personal con habilidades tecnologicas) (**)

u$s 14000.00

u$s 6000.00

u$s 8000.00

Equipo para consultorías digitales (Coordinador gral. CD, asesora pedagógica, Coordinador de Consultorías digitales, acompañante digital, acompañante socio-laboral, 12 referentes de CD, 48 facilitadores digitales) (**)

u$s 14720.00

u$s 480.00

u$s 14240.00

Equipo profesional para desarrollo de recursero, (Coordinador de Trámites y Asesoramientos, Diseñador gráfico, Trabajador social) (**)

u$s 2100.00

u$s 900.00

u$s 1200.00

Equipo profesional para generacion de alianzas (Coordinador de legales,Comunicador , 2 Referente de vinculación institucional, contador) (**)

u$s 7250.00

u$s 450.00

u$s 6800.00

Equipo profesional para coordinación de mesas de trabajo (Comunicador, 2 Referente de vinculación institucional) (**)

u$s 1300.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1300.00


u$s 108741.00

u$s 15065.00

u$s 93676.00

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