Paper Towers

Network of community spaces integrated by local institutions to promote reading habits and facilitate access to books in San José.


Almirante Brown, Buenos Aires,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Human development, Culture

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

In the San José neighborhood, over 40% of households have few or no books. This reality highlights a significant challenge in accessing reading, writing, and books within the community.

The project

Torres de Papel promotes the creation of a network of community spaces formed by local institutions that, through collaborative activities in the area, encourage reading habits and improve access to books for children, adolescents, and adults in San José.

Our initiative aims to connect the leaders of these community spaces through a joint action plan that develops a comprehensive program to promote reading, writing, and access to books. This program places special emphasis on highlighting local authors and promoting their works, contributing to the cultural enrichment of the district.

The long-term change we aspire to achieve focuses on transforming the cultural and educational systems within the community. We believe that fostering reading habits not only develops cognitive and social skills but also strengthens family and community ties, stimulates creativity, and improves literacy levels. Creating a positive impact on the cultural system will influence the educational system, enhancing the population’s learning abilities.

With this project, we aim to:

  • Strengthen social ties and communication among organizations in the San José community.
  • Encourage active community participation in the activities proposed by the network.
  • Promote reading and writing habits among the population.
  • Increase the availability of books in households and community institutions.

Know more...

San José is a locality within the municipality of Almirante Brown, located in the southern part of Buenos Aires Province. According to the latest National Census in 2022, Almirante Brown has a population of 584,827, while San José is home to approximately 44,000 inhabitants.

Data from the 2010 Census revealed that 10.5% of households in Almirante Brown have Unmet Basic Needs (UBN), significantly higher than the 6% average for Buenos Aires Province. Furthermore, the municipality contains 78 informal settlements where approximately 17,483 families reside across a total area of 610.38 hectares. This places Almirante Brown among the districts with the highest number of settlements in Greater Buenos Aires, alongside municipalities like La Matanza (115 settlements) and Florencio Varela (66 settlements).

The 2022 PISA assessment showed that in the lowest socioeconomic level, 7 out of 10 Argentine students did not meet the minimum required level of reading comprehension. If this trend is not reversed, the most significant consequences will include school dropouts, difficulties in cultural expression, and a low level of cognitive skill development in the population.

A validation process, which included surveys conducted with families, children, and organizations related to reading promotion, revealed the following key findings:

  • 50% of surveyed children and adolescents (NNyA) reported that their families read to them regularly, while the other 50% indicated that this is not a common practice.
  • More than 40% of households lack books or have very few.
  • 56% of respondents were unaware of the San José Local Book Fair.
  • While 94% of respondents stated they enjoy reading, only 11% read regularly, and 29% said they never read.
  • Among those who said they do not enjoy reading (6%), the reasons cited include finding reading boring, pointless, or not having discovered books they like.

These findings highlight the low levels of reading habits in the community. Additionally, the lack of awareness about public policies and access points, such as the San José Local Book Fair and school-led activities, results in low participation in such events. Finally, although some organizations and institutions are working to address this issue, their efforts are not coordinated or integrated into a comprehensive systemic approach.

  • Creation of the Comprehensive Program for Promoting Reading, Writing, and Access to Books: The Network of Spaces for Promoting Reading Habits and Access to Books will convene to outline an action plan. Representatives from various allied organizations and institutions will participate in this meeting.
  • Project Presentation: An event will be held to introduce the program to municipal and local institutions.
  • Delivery of Sustainable Libraries: Sustainable libraries will be provided to educational and community institutions. Members of the Network, along with the NGO Fueguitos Brown, will participate. Additionally, a recreational activity will be organized for the community.
  • Promoting Connections with Local Authors: Local writers will visit schools and kindergartens, engaging in playful activities with children and adolescents (NNyA) related to their own works. This will foster a connection with books, introduce their publications, and inspire NNyA to write their own texts.
  • Publishing Books by Local Writers: "Ediciones Encontrarnos" will collaborate with independent writers from Almirante Brown to edit and publish their works. The writers will be selected by the publishing house.
  • Participation of the Network in the San José Book Fair: The book fair will include a showcase of community institutions' projects, a fair for local entrepreneurs, performances by local artists, an open stage for residents, a mobile planetarium, live storytelling, and reading and play activities for NNyA. Additionally, there will be a raffle featuring books by independent writers from Almirante Brown and Ediciones Encontrarnos. 

Direct Results:

  • A Defined Comprehensive Reading Habit Promotion Program.
  • 30 libraries delivered.
  • More than 2,000 books delivered.
  • 15 writers visiting schools.
  • 16 schools and kindergartens visited.
  • 60 books by authors delivered to school libraries.
  • 5 titles published.
  • 5 writers published.
  • 20 bookstore stands and 20 stands for product entrepreneurs set up at the San José Book Fair.
  • 5 proposed activities.
  • 17 participating institutions.
  • 1,500 children and adolescents (NNyA) participating in the fair.
  • Over 1,000 residents visiting the fair.
  • 200 books sold at the fair.

Expected Impact:

  • Increase the reading habit in the NNyA population of the community by 10% by 2026.
  • Reduce the number of households with few or no books by 5 percentage points by 2026.

  • Ediciones Encontrarnos (
  • Independent Authors of Almirante Brown (
  • Fueguitos Brown (
  • Municipal Delegation of San José (
  • National Union of Neighborhood Clubs (
  • Provincial Program “Envión” San José headquarters. Secretariat of Development, Social Security, and Human Rights.
  • Community Center “Hijos del Trueno” (
  • Retirees Centers “El Progreso. La Gloria”. San José (
  • Secondary School No. 15.
  • Primary School No. 36.
  • Kindergarten No. 949.
  • Kindergarten No. 960.
  • Kindergarten No. 965.
  • School of Artistic Education No. 1 (
  • Primary School No. 76.
  • Secretary of Education, Science, and Technology of the Municipality of Almirante Brown (
  • Brown Municipal Institute of Cultures (

  • Mariel Casaforte, Director of Public Management of the Municipality of Almirante Brown (
  • Humberto Morelli, Municipal Delegate of the San José locality, Almirante Brown (
  • Brisa Florentín, member of the Public Management Directorate team of the Municipality of Almirante Brown (
  • Silvina Marcellino, member of the Public Management Directorate team of the Municipality of Almirante Brown (
  • Sol Oksentiuk, member of the Public Management Directorate team of the Municipality of Almirante Brown (
  • Elsa Torres, representative of the Local Book Fair of San José, Almirante Brown (
  • Cristina Fernández, “Los hijos del Trueno” community kitchen, San José (
  • Mariano Ritterstein, Local Book Fair of San José (


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Kit de insumos para 6 reuniones de la Red de espacios comunitarios (computadora, proyector, pantalla y catering para 15 personas) (**)

u$s 1500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1500.00

Kit de insumos para Actividades: materiales de librerias varios -lápices, papel, fibras, etc.- (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

500 libros variados para las bibliotecas (**)

u$s 10000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 10000.00

Mesas, gazebos y sillas plasticas para feria (**)

u$s 4000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 4000.00

Juegos y materiales didacticos (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2000.00


Honorarios de escritores que asisten a 20 actividades en las escuelas (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Honorarios bibliotecario/a (compra y selecciòn de libros) (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Servicio de edicion de libros de autores locales (**)

u$s 3000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3000.00

10 Bibliotecas sustentables realizadas en madera (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Alquiler de sonido e iluminacion para feria (2 días) (**)

u$s 1500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1500.00

Alquiler de Planetario movil (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Flete de corta distancia para el traslado de bibliotecas (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Human resources

Coordinador de la red de espacios comunitarios 8hs semanales feb-nov (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2000.00


u$s 30000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 30000.00

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