BOOTCAMP Give and Receive-engaging elderly people

Spaces for collaborative creation promote connection and exchange between elderly people and the youth community, local producers, and the municipality.


Quilleco, Biobío,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Human development, Elderly

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

Quilleco is one of the communes with the highest poverty rate in Chile: 25% (INE, 2021). It is known as a "sacrifice zone" and 44% of the community are older people who are highly vulnerable. 

The challenge is to increase levels of confidence in older people by generating new support networks and linking them with other communities and the local government.

The project

"Bootcamp Colaborativo: Dar y Recibir” initiative makes it clear that elderly people need spaces and collaborative activities to stimulate their learning and generate new support networks. For this reason, the Fundación Vivir con Pasión, together with the Municipality of Quilleco for the first time took on the challenge of generating new creative spaces in the territory. This is achieved through a disruptive instance called "Collaborative Bootcamp: Give and Recieve," where an innovative and creative space is generated in the territories, which promotes systemic change through education and the creation of new communities, connecting elderly people with young people and local producers. This initiative facilitates the creation of productive networks of trust between the community, the municipality, and national and international higher education institutions.

The main strategies of the project are the following:

The development of creative space Collaborative Bootcamp "Give and Receive": involves the creation of a training and collaborative space in which participants can learn and share creative and practical skills. Bootcamps focus on collaboration and mutual feedback, enabling participants to learn together and develop innovative solutions to common problems.

Building communities of elderly people, local producers, and young learners: aims to create communities of people of different ages and backgrounds to foster collaboration and the creation of networks of mutual support. It seeks to involve elderly people, local producers, and young students to learn together and work on creative and productive projects that can benefit the community.

Development of the web platform to foster creative and productive connections between communities called This platform aims to connect people and communities, enabling collaboration on creative and productive projects. The platform will facilitate the exchange of skills and resources, allowing people to work together more effectively.

The initiative considers a strategic line and main axis of the learning acquired during the activities implemented in the Local Innovators Program 2022 (LIP). Thus, the aim is to give visibility to elderly people who carry out productive activities or represent their communities and have the fervent desire to collaborate. 

As a result of the initiative, the community of elderly people is willing to learn and be part of the new system that is being born in their territory and wants to connect with younger and more productive communities.

Thanks to the satisfactory results of the initial process carried out in Quilleco, the initiative is being scaled up to the municipality of Los Angeles (Chacayal delegation), which has 18,000 inhabitants and is expected to impact 3,000 elderly people through the implementation of two Collaborative Bootcamps "Give and Receive.” Other municipalities bordering Quilleco, such as Quilaco and Santa Barbara, have expressed interest.

The initiative wants to be developed internationally in Colombia through the participation of the University of Guajira Colombia.

Know more...

In the commune of Quilleco, located in Chile's Biobío region, there are approximately 4,000 elderly people (44% of the population) over the age of 65, who remain invisible, disconnected from the community, technology, and productivity. This is a result of the limited social and economic development of the territory, income levels, lack of access to basic services, and lack of employment opportunities. At the same time, for elderly people, there are no primary care and emotional support networks that allow them to connect with younger and more productive communities. It should be noted that elderly people have a real interest in collaborating and sharing their wisdom (according to a survey carried out within the framework of the Local Innovators Program 2022).

In Quilleco, the main productive activity is forestry, occupying 75% of the territory and offering 200 jobs per month. This situation places Quilleco as one of the communes known as a "sacrifice zone", as a result of all these problems. Quilleco has one of the highest rates of poverty, with 25% vulnerability in elderly people, which makes it necessary to implement social projects such as the collaborative Bootcamp "Give and Receive.” Together with the local government, a space was developed for the first time in the commune where elderly people promote social inclusion, income generation, and the improvement of their living conditions in Quilleco, stimulating through systemic collaboration the economic, and social fabric of the region.

The first version of the initiative “Give and Receive" was successfully implemented in 2022 by the Fundación Vivir con Pasión. Together with the Municipality of Quilleco, it was possible to activate a network of more than 250 seniors citizen from more than 50 senior clubs in the Biobío. The main driver of this previous initiative was collaboration and passion. Through face-to-face meetings and in a playful way, the "purpose that unites us" was jointly defined, generating deep and trusting links between the Fundación Vivir con Pasión (local NGO), the Municipality of Quilleco (local government where public officials participated) and private companies in the area. The latter supported the community with souvenirs and food for the participants of each activity of the "Give and Receive" program.

In the Biobío region, a growing wave of forest fires occurred, which affected the Quilleco Commune and our Foundation in particular, as some of our collaborators were affected. We supported the community throughout the process, which helped raise awareness among local businesses and generated interest in the initiatives that the foundation proposes regarding the creation of creative spaces like the Bootcamp 'Give and Receive' .

  • Creative Space Development Collaborative Bootcamp "Give and Take": involves the creation of a training and collaborative space in which participants can learn and share creative and practical skills. Bootcamps focus on collaboration and mutual feedback, enabling participants to learn together and develop innovative solutions to common problems.
  • Building communities of elderly people, local producers and young learners: aims to create communities of people of different ages and backgrounds to foster collaboration and the creation of networks of mutual support. It seeks to involve elderly people, local producers and young students to learn together and work on creative and productive projects that can benefit the community.
  • Creation of a web platform that fosters creative and productive community linkages: connecting people and communities, enabling collaboration on creative and productive projects. The platform will facilitate the sharing of skills and resources, enabling people to work together more effectively.
  • Learning impact assessment and generation of new trust networks: involves the assessment of the impact of the initiatives in terms of learning and generation of new trust networks. Assessment will enable organizers to improve the effectiveness of the programmes and measure the long-term impact of the initiative on the community. It is also expected that participants will generate new trust networks and personal relationships that can be beneficial in the long term.

Direct results

  • 1 Collaborative Bootcamp in Quilleco, with an attendance of 50 students from the University of Chile and Duoc UC Chile and the University of Guajira Colombia, together with 600 elderly people and entrepreneurs from the Quilleco communities.
  • Creation of communities of elderly people, local producers, and young students.
  • 1 Community with more than 150 participants. 
  • 2 professionals incorporated as mentors.
  • 12 hours of training for each participant. 
  • 1 training manual.
  • Creation of a Web Platform that promotes creative and productive linkages between communities.
  • 1 ecommerce that promotes the local economy of each commune.
  • 50 students who will follow up elderly people.
  • 100 digitalised local entrepreneurs including elderly people integrated into the network.
  • Gamified incentives as souvenirs for the participants of the Collaborative Bootcamp.
  • Evaluation of impact on learning and generation of new trust networks.
  • 1 Paper with a model to promote systemic thinking: "Initial implementation in Quilleco commune.
Expected impact

  • Decrease by 10% the poverty rate of elderly people.
  • Creation of 3 new creative spaces in the territory.
  • Generation of a new community of local producers in person and online.
  • 300 digitilized local products on the platform with a focus on elderly people.
  • Boosting a public policy that encourages the creation of creative spaces for elderly people.

  • Universidad de la Guajira Colombia.
  • Alphadocere Duoc UC (University).
  • Colbun (Private Company)
  • Universidad del Alba

  • Francisco Javier Araneda Acuña, Executive Director of the Vivir con Pasión Foundation,
  • Freddy Báez, Productive Development, Quilleco Municipality,
  • Valentina Hernandez Oliva, Bootcamp Give and Receive Coordinator, Vivir con Pasión Foundation,

The Bootcamp is currently being executed in 2023 in Quilleco and La Guajira, Colombia. Over 50 entrepreneurs and 100 participants, elderly people from senior clubs, have joined. Additionally, a community of 30 students from the University of Alba (Chile), psychology students, and graduates, has been added.

All planning activities have already been carried out, and graphic materials have been defined and created. Coordination meetings of the internal process have been held with the community of University of Alba students.

The university students will provide emotional support to entrepreneurs and elderly individuals. Inductions for the students have been conducted, and currently, the community of entrepreneurs and elderly people are attending the 'Strengthening Academy' together to learn tools for creating economically empowering products.

This process concludes with a Bootcamp 'Give and Receive' in Quilleco, Chile, and La Guajira, Colombia, with the support of the University of La Guajira.


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Impresiones Gráficas de paper investigativo y Material educativo (*) (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

2 Notebook Planificación y Ejecución (*) (**)

u$s 2400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2400.00

Impresión educativa de apoyo, Souvenirs para Beneficiarios (*) (**)

u$s 3000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3000.00

Proyector y Parlante para la ejecución del Bootcamp (*) (**)

u$s 600.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 600.00

Impresión de Roller del proyecto y apoyo gráfico (*) (**)

u$s 480.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 480.00


Dominio Plataforma 1 año (**)

u$s 120.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 120.00

Hosting Anual (**)

u$s 100.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 100.00

Internet Movil (*) (**)

u$s 100.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 100.00

Transporte Espacios Creativos (*) (**)

u$s 15000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 15000.00

Alimentación Espacios Creativos (*) (**)

u$s 3000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3000.00

Alquiler de Salones y espacios (**)

u$s 1800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1800.00

Human resources

Coordinadores de Planificación Bootcamp (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 300.00

u$s 5700.00

Coordinadores Ejecución Bootcamp (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 300.00

u$s 5700.00

Coordinadores de Creación comunidades (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 200.00

u$s 5800.00

Profesionales Desarrollo Tecnológico (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2000.00

Creador Audiovisual (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6000.00

Staff Administrativo y soporte técnico (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6000.00

Investigadores para Desarrollo de Paper Sistémico (**)

u$s 1400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1400.00


u$s 61000.00

u$s 800.00

u$s 60200.00

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