ECO-SOL: Waste to Resources in Taiz City

Sustainable system for collecting and sorting waste, strengthening informal waste collectors, and engaging the community to convert waste into resources.


Taiz, Taiz,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Environment, Waste management

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

Waste in Taiz spread for a long time. 60% of the waste is sent to unsuitable landfill near population, burned in open air, with no recycling.That impacts health and the environment.

The project

The proposed project aims to implement an effective and sustainable system for sorting and collecting waste at the source, with the participation of all community sectors, including families and institutions. This system will help transform waste into valuable resources through an integrated approach that includes:

  • Local legislative framework: Supporting the waste sorting and collection system by establishing incentives and accountability mechanisms, and defining the roles of each stakeholder.
  • ECO-SOL cooperatives: Establishing cooperatives to enhance community participation, organize and train waste collectors, which will improve their efficiency and increase their economic opportunities. Facilities for managing and marketing recyclable materials will be established, along with units for converting organic waste into compost. Community participation will be strengthened by forming teams and committees to raise awareness in neighborhoods, focusing on "green leaders" among women. Waste collection routes will be managed to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency, using technology such as GPS tracking systems to optimize routes and monitor the process. Sustainable communication mechanisms and feedback will be set up with all stakeholders, including families and institutions, to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Awareness programs: Implementing awareness programs in collaboration with schools, universities, places of worship, media, and influencers to enhance environmental awareness and change behaviors regarding waste management.
  • Intersectoral partnerships: Developing partnerships among different sectors to encourage investment in waste management, focusing on innovation through the launch of a "green program" to support entrepreneurship.

The initiative will target 30,000 households in its first year of implementation.

This initiative is innovative in addressing waste challenges in Taiz, as it relies on a comprehensive solution designed to meet local needs, which enhances its effectiveness. The initiative focuses on increasing recycling rates and providing new solutions that differ from traditional methods through a unique model that transforms waste into resources. Approximately 80% of waste can be recycled, which also helps reduce methane emissions and their negative impact.

The initiative pays special attention to promoting sustainable behaviors for waste separation and collection by engaging families in properly sorting waste at home and ensuring its effective collection. Furthermore, the success of the proposed solutions has been demonstrated through the pilot model with community participation, where the sorting and collection system was implemented with the involvement of families. This focus on enhancing sustainable behaviors boosts sustainability prospects and increases the potential for the initiative to be applied on a larger scale.

Know more...

Taiz city is one of Yemen's richest cities, known for its cultural and historical heritage as well as its natural beauty, making it a unique tourist destination. Located at an altitude of about 1,400 meters above sea level, it features rich mountainous terrain. The residents primarily depend on agriculture and trade. The city consists of three districts: (Al-Mudhaffar, Al-Qahera, and Salah), with a population of approximately 711,196 (96,691 households). Taiz is considered an urban area with a high population density, reaching about 18,711 people per square kilometer.

Taiz faces significant environmental challenges due to deteriorating infrastructure and ineffective waste management practices. The city generates approximately 219,000 tons of waste annually, averaging 600 tons per day. About 60% of this waste is sent to an inappropriate landfill near residential areas, where it is burned outdoors. The remaining waste spreads across streets and neighborhoods, ending up in drainage channels, which increases environmental pollution and health risks. Women, children, and the elderly are particularly affected by these conditions. The consequences include air and soil pollution, an increase in infectious diseases such as cholera and dengue fever, and a decline in residents' quality of life, leading to higher waste management and healthcare costs, as well as lost recycling opportunities.

The waste management problem in Taiz stems from several key factors:

Political and legal factors lead to weak waste management due to a lack of legislation, poor law enforcement, and the absence of accountability and effective coordination. Socially, low environmental awareness and insufficient institutional commitment contribute to irresponsible waste management. In the recycling sector, inadequate funding, lack of infrastructure, and weak private sector participation hinder effective management, as waste is seen as a burden rather than a resource. Additionally, the sorting and collection system lacks proper infrastructure, including unsuitable landfills, resulting in deteriorating services, rising maintenance costs, and unsafe working conditions for workers.

These factors lead to environmental damage, harm to public health, deteriorating services, rising maintenance costs, and unsafe working conditions for workers, highlighting the urgent need for innovative solutions to transform waste from a challenge to resources.

  • Prepper Green Legislative Framework: From Waste to Resources in Taiz City. Develop an administrative regulation called the “Green Legislative Framework” for waste management that supports a waste sorting and collecting system at the source. This framework should include incentives, accountability mechanisms, and define roles of stakeholders. The process of preparing the framework will be carried out through consultations with specialists and stakeholder participation, including representatives from the local authority. The draft will be submitted to the local authority in Taiz, and will be refined in discussion sessions, followed by an official approval and launch. Planned sub-activities:
    • Hold 3 workshops with 31 participants, supervised and coordinated by a contracted consultant to prepare the Green Legislative Framework document.
    • Print and distribute 500 copies of the final framework.
    • Organize an official ceremony to launch the legislative framework involving local authorities and all stakeholders, with media coverage.
  • Establish "ECO-SOL Cooperative" to Improve Waste Management in Taiz City: The cooperative will enhance community participation in source sorting practices, strengthen the role of informal waste collectors and convert waste into resources. Planned sub-Activities:
    • Establish a cooperative and create three branches in each of Taiz districts (Al-Mudhafar, Al-Qahira, and Salah),
    • Form a Green Neighborhood Committee with 70 members, representing the 14 residential neighborhoods of Taíz City. Green neighborhood leaders will be trained in the areas of leadership and community participation, environmental awareness, environmental conservation, and environmental project management. The committee will play an important role in enhancing and encouraging community participation, they will also play a role in raising awareness.
    • Acquire and install a machine for converting organic waste into compost and a baler machine for paper and carton to create eco-friendly facilities for waste management.
    • Organize 250 informal waste collectors, 28 workers in facilities and 9 technicians in the first year (green engineers).
    • Form 70 female volunteers to raise awareness among families about source sorting in the first year (green leaders).
    • Train 250 informal waste collectors, 28 workers in facilities and 9 technicians, 15 members of the ECO_SOL branches, 70 Green Neighborhood Committees, 70 Green Leaders female, and 44 data collectors, in the first year.
    • Conduct a survey to collect baseline information from 30,000 targeted households that will engage in waste sorting in the first year, engaging 44 data collectors.
  • Implement awareness and education programs to enhance source sorting and collection, including integrating innovation in awareness efforts and collaborating with schools, universities, religious organizations, various media, and influencers to promote community participation. Planned sub-Activities:
    • Design educational and awareness materials, including: 160,000 awareness brochures for distribution to families and institutions, 3 awareness videos, and awareness programs in schools, universities, and mosques.
    • Form "Environmental Champions", 300 students from schools and universities who will promote environmental practices in their communities.
    • Launch a campaign titled "From Waste to Resources" to raise environmental awareness and enhance source sorting and sustainable waste management practices among community members. This will include various events in schools, universities, and mosques, as well as a mobile awareness unit powered by solar energy for public awareness campaigns in crowded areas.
  • Enhance partnerships across various sectors to support innovation and entrepreneurship. This activity aims to conduct a series of sessions to develop a comprehensive strategy to promote collaboration in the field of waste management. The "Green Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program" will be launched, which provides technical support and adopts entrepreneurial ideas that contribute to creating environmental sustainability and green job opportunities. Planned Sub-Activities:
    • Hold four sessions to develop a comprehensive partnership strategy involving a specialized consultant to support innovative and sustainable waste management solutions.
    • Launch an innovation competition: A contest for the best innovative waste management solutions, funding three winning projects. Each winning project will receive financial support of $20,000.

Direct results

  • 372 job opportunities are provided to informal waste collectors and others in the waste sector in the first year.
  • 1 Local Green legislative framework (executive regulations) for waste management that includes a source separation and collection system.
  • ECO-SOL Cooperative established in Taiz City with one main ECO-SOL facility and 3 eco-friendly branches in (Al-Mudhafar, Al-Qahira, and Salah) that receive sorted recyclable materials. One unit for converting organic waste into compost and (1) baler machines for paper and carton.
  • 486 participants trained: 250 Green Engineers: informal waste collectors, 28 workers in facilities – 9 technicians, 15 members of the ECO_SOL branches, 70 Green Neighborhood Committees, 70 Green Leaders female, and 44 data collectors.
  • 3 awareness videos produced.
  • 300 teams of Environmental Champions in schools and Taiz University established.
  • 4 campaigns from waste to resources conducted.
  • A comprehensive strategy to enhance partnerships among different sectors in waste management conducted for 20 participants.
  • Green Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and competition launched to select the best innovative solutions for waste management with 3 winning projects funded with $20,000 each.

 Expected impact

  • Diminish the amount of waste that is sent to landfills to 50% in a year
  • Increase the amount of recycled materials to 40% in a year.
  • Reduce the amount of waste that spreads in streets and is thrown into flood channels to 50% in the first year.
  • Improve Sustainable Waste Management Behaviors: At least 30% of targeted households in Taiz implement source separation in the first year.

  • The Cleaning and Improvement Fund
  • Taiz City Government

  • Muneer Alashmali, Executive Founder, Human Aid for Development Organization (,
  • Haya Al-kubati, Grant and Partnerships Officer, Human Aid for Development Organization (
  • Amar Mojalli, Program Manager, Human Aid for Development Organization (
  • Shehab Alafif, Relations and Media, Human Aid for Development Organization (


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

693 meriendas para los talleres y capacitaciones. (**)

u$s 2079.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2079.00

88 comidas para el almuerzo (20 participantes, consultores y documentadores) durante 4 días. (**)

u$s 440.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 440.00

Material de papelería para los talleres y capacitaciones. (**)

u$s 1960.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1960.00

79 banners para los talleres y eventos. (**)

u$s 1820.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1820.00

500 copias del marco legislativo verde para distribución y 160,000 folletos de concientización. (**)

u$s 6300.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6300.00

5 laptops y 4 impresoras para la Cooperativa ECO-SOL. (**)

u$s 3200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3200.00

Equipos para la Cooperativa ECO-SOL: 1 sistema de energía solar, 8 balanzas para residuos, 1 máquina para producir compost a partir de materiales orgánicos durante el primer año, 1 prensa para papel y cartones. (**)

u$s 109100.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 109100.00

Suministros de oficina para la Cooperativa ECO-SOL. (**)

u$s 2000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2000.00

3 laptops para gestión y administración de datos. (**)

u$s 1200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1200.00

20 tuk-tuks para transportar materiales clasificados. (**)

u$s 46000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 46000.00

Repuestos para vehículos de transporte. (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6000.00

287 uniformes y suministros de seguridad (250 recolectores de residuos (Ingenieros Verdes), 28 trabajadores y guardias, 9 técnicos). (**)

u$s 10045.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 10045.00

Combustible para los vehículos de transporte y para 80 salidas de concientización durante ocho meses. (**)

u$s 31800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 31800.00

Unidad móvil de concientización solar, incluyendo: Camión Suzuki Super Carry, 2 pantallas LG de 65 pulgadas, 4 paneles solares (300W), 2 baterías de litio, 2 altavoces, una estructura protectora para las pantallas y un soporte para los paneles solares. (**)

u$s 16000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 16000.00


Servicios de consultoría para desarrollar un marco legislativo verde (1), estrategia de alianzas (1), programa de emprendimiento e innovación (1) y una guía de competencia (1). (**)

u$s 17000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 17000.00

44 recolectores de datos para familias e instituciones objetivo durante 20 días laborales (4410$20días). (**)

u$s 8800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 8800.00

21 instructores para 486 participantes (**)

u$s 3150.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3150.00

3 salas de reuniones para los talleres del marco legislativo verde, 21 salas de reuniones para las capacitaciones y 4 salas de reuniones para el taller de desarrollo de la estrategia de alianzas. (**)

u$s 2170.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2170.00

Comedor para el evento de lanzamiento del marco legislativo verde. (**)

u$s 200.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 200.00

Costos para el establecimiento de la Cooperativa ECO-SOL, alquiler de la instalación principal de la Cooperativa ECO-SOL (100010meses) y alquiler de las 3 instalaciones para recibir materiales reciclables (500310meses). (**)

u$s 26000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 26000.00

9 técnicos para instalaciones de la cooperativa (instalación principal y sub-centros) (91508meses). (**)

u$s 10800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 10800.00

Un jurado especializado para evaluar los proyectos de la competencia de innovación. (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Costos de medios para la cobertura del evento de lanzamiento del marco legislativo verde. (**)

u$s 1000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1000.00

Concientización: Diseño de 3 folletos de concientización y 3 materiales de concientización para cada una de las 4 campañas, y desarrollo de 3 producciones de video de concientización de 3-5 minutos. (**)

u$s 2800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2800.00

Human resources

Líder de la iniciativa, Oficial de alianzas, Coordinador, Contador, MEAL, Coordinador Logístico, Líder de RRHH, Comunicador, por 12 meses. (**)

u$s 58800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 58800.00

3 Oficiales de Gestión de Datos por 8 meses (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 6000.00


Asignación de transporte para los talleres del marco legislativo verde (31 participantes × 3 talleres × 3 días), talleres de estrategia de alianzas (20 participantes × 4 días) y capacitaciones para 485 personas. (**)

u$s 4160.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 4160.00

278 incentivos para 250 recolectores de residuos (Ingenieros Verdes) y 28 trabajadores y guardias en la instalación principal de la cooperativa y sucursales (278708meses). (**)

u$s 155680.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 155680.00

15 incentivos para equipos de sub-centros (15 incentivos x 100$ x 8 meses), asignados a un equipo de 5 miembros por instalación responsables de gestión, supervisión y tareas administrativas. (**)

u$s 12000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 12000.00

70 incentivos para el equipo de concientización (Líderes Verdes) (7030$8meses). (**)

u$s 16800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 16800.00

Incentivos para el conductor de la unidad móvil de concientización (508meses). (**)

u$s 400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 400.00

Financiamiento inicial para los proyectos innovadores ganadores (60,000$ en total). (**)

u$s 60000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 60000.00

Gastos de cobertura de medios para 5 canales satelitales, 5 sitios web de noticias, 2 emisoras de radio locales y 5 influencers para el alcance en redes sociales (17504meses). (**)

u$s 3400.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 3400.00


u$s 628104.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 628104.00

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