Challenge Yourself! Action Classrooms

Experiential training program for actors of the educational community towards teaching-learning processes for all around tourism.


Bogotá, Cundinamarca,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Economic development, Tourism

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

The population with disabilities tends to have less schooling than people without disabilities: in Colombia, 55% of people with disabilities have primary education as their highest level of education -as opposed to 33% of people without disabilities- and only 17 out of every 100 people with disabilities reach higher education -as opposed to 24 out of every 100 people without disabilities- (National Quality of Life Survey, 2020).

Most educators in Bogota report that although they have participated in training programs on inclusive processes, they encounter difficulties in implementing strategies to foster truly inclusive learning environments where all students have the opportunity to fully develop and complete their educational processes.

The project

The initiative responds to the latent need identified during Awaiki's years of experience as an educational consultant in its work with teachers from the Colegios Amigos del Turismo (CAT) in Colombia's 32 departments. These actors expose the lack of knowledge, skills and, especially, of relevant practical strategies to develop processes of educational inclusion, that is to say, scenarios in which the learning of all students is favored.

It proposes a look from a practical perspective to the Universal Design for Learning (DUA) as an educational framework that recognizes all learners from their individuality and diversity and proposes differentiated techniques that promote their learning, thus making each teaching-learning experience universal. The program aims to develop continuous qualification processes for managers, teachers, support professionals and families of 3 CAT around the SAD. These processes aim to design, develop and value demonstrative experiences of didactic sequences planned under curricular concepts and skills of the different sections of the educational institutions: preschool, primary and high school; having as transversal axes the tourism approaches of each particular context. The methodologies that will guide the training and qualification of teachers and families will be: collective construction, meaningful learning, learning by discovery, visible thinking, reflection and teaching for understanding. 

The initiative has two main pillars:

  • Planning and design: Initially, the design of different communication campaigns to generate expectations and of the training program will be carried out.
  • Implementation: The development of the program, its follow-up and evaluation will be carried out. It has a duration of 13 months, with 120 hours of training and 60 hours of follow-up for each of the educational institutions, based on the following approaches: i) Participation spaces will be opened for the actors to approach the SAD from their roles and corresponding moments: planning, implementation and assessment of the teaching-learning process. ii) The didactic sequences will be based on curricular concepts from tourist approaches linked to the context of each educational institution. iii) The didactic sequences formulated through specific SAD strategies will be developed, making successful teaching-learning processes visible. iV) The monitoring of the actors of each institution will be carried out by professionals qualified in inclusive education, after the training, in the planning (format) and its implementation, observations and evaluations of the classes.

Know more...

Bogota, the capital of Colombia, is located in the Andean highlands at 2,640 meters above sea level. With a diverse population of over 7 million inhabitants, the city stands as an important cultural and economic center in the region, noted for its rich history, colonial architecture and its leading role as the country's political and financial epicenter.

However, Bogotá's radiant reality is tinged by significant challenges in the educational sphere, especially with regard to the inclusion of disabled and diverse people. Survey results reveal an alarming educational gap: while 65% of non-disabled youth complete high school, only 40% of their peers with disabilities reach that level. In addition, the population with disabilities faces significant challenges in obtaining education, with 40.1% having only primary education, a figure that rises to 54.2% in older adults aged 65 and over (DANE, 2023).

This reality evidences the urgent need for a teacher qualification initiative that addresses disability and diversity in the classroom and allows for a timely response to the lack of comprehensive training for this population, promoting their active participation in their communities and in society. Following the theoretical bases of Ortiz (2007), teacher training must adapt to the new educational approaches and policies, oriented towards the constitution or transformation of schools into places where all students learn together. The challenge lies in designing and implementing teacher training curricula that adequately prepare educators to provide quality education, ensuring inclusion and equitable learning for all, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

Different entities and organizations have been involved in responding to these needs. In the first place, addressing educational inclusion, is the Ministry of National Education with its Decree 1421, which regulates in the framework of inclusive education the educational attention to the population with disabilities. On the other hand, Grupo Mokaná in alliance with the Panaca Foundation, Fontur and the Vice Ministry of Tourism has provided training on Universal Design for Learning to CAT teachers and people at different levels of the value chain. These two references have made it possible to identify gaps in the implementation of the decree in educational environments, especially in rural areas at the national level, resulting in the lack of adequate training for the actors directly involved.

With the objective of promoting action classrooms as teaching-learning scenarios for directors, teachers, support professionals and families, who as main actors of 3 CAT educational institutions in Bogotá, D.C. will experience the planning, development and evaluation of specific didactic sequences as a bridge that makes visible practical tools that guarantee the learning of all about tourism. 

To this end, actions will be carried out in the following moments:

  • Design of the live training program: Design a live training program that makes visible adequate practices that guarantee learning for all. This under demonstrative and experiential classrooms that reflect tools and methodologies when developing specific didactic sequences of main curricular contents.
  • Expectation campaigns: Execution of the expectation campaign for the 3 educational institutions under the following approaches: i) Contextualization of the program and schedule with the directors of the 3 educational institutions. ii) Communications strategy with awareness and invitations to enroll. iii) Activities to arouse interest. iv) Publication of the participating institutions. v) Presentation of the benefits of the program. 
  • Development of the program: Development of the ¡Retate! program by means of action classrooms (demonstrative) embodied as follows: i) Awareness raising ii) Didactic sequences on different curricular concepts and skills and approached from tourism approaches. iii) Direct experiences by some participants. 
  • Assessment: i) Follow-up of participants to observe and provide feedback on their classes with the goal of implementing universal pedagogical practices. ii) Evaluation of the program (formulation and development) in order to assess the successful aspects and those that can be strengthened to continue with its development in other educational scenarios.

Direct results:

  • 1 training program Challenge Yourself! Action classrooms designed, implemented and evaluated.
  • 1 theoretical-practical manual for the planning, development and evaluation of universal and tourist teaching-learning experiences for directors, teachers and families. 
  • 8 moments of expectation during the expectation campaign in 3 educational institutions and 3 contextualizations of the program and chronogram with the directors of the educational institutions. 
  • 1 Universal planning instrument structured based on SAD principles, 1 student learning monitoring instrument for teachers, 1 student learning evaluation instrument for teachers, 1 feedback and co-evaluation instrument for teachers, managers and families. 
  • 4 of action classrooms implemented at the time of development.
  • 120 hours of work at the time of development 
  • 3 institutions receiving program training 
  • 10 students with disabilities or diverse students from each institution achieve the learning objectives.
  • 6 follow-ups and feedbacks to participating stakeholders
  • 40 participating actors who plan, execute and evaluate teaching-learning processes in relation to tourism under the SAD principles.

Expected impact: 

  • Decrease by 40% the dropout rate of people with disabilities and diverse and integration of 3 CAT educational institutions through Action Classrooms that make universal pedagogical practices visible and promote their implementation to two years.

  • Nanny Mommy Educational Institution
  • Research Seminar on Educational Inclusion of Universidad de La Sabana

  • Daniela Barbosa - Lideresa Awaiki - Educación Consciente / 
  • Derly Pardo - Asesora del Viceministerio de Turismo / 


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

5 Computadores (*) (**)

u$s 3000.00

u$s 2423.00

u$s 577.00

1 Impresora, 1 proyector y 1 sistema de sonido (*) (**)

u$s 700.00

u$s 200.00

u$s 500.00

Impresiones de material e instrumentos de apoyo al aprendizaje (**)

u$s 500.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 500.00

Material pedagógico para el momento de diseño; de expectativa; para 60 días del desarrollo del programa; y para el seguimiento y valoración (**)

u$s 17646.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 17646.00


Viáticos de visitas e intervenciones a las 3 instituciones educativas (*) (**)

u$s 2823.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 2823.00

Gastos administrativos para el momento de diseño y de expectativa (**)

u$s 1452.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 1452.00

Viáticos de 5 facilitadores para 4 intervenciones en 3 instituciones educativas durante 5 meses; y viáticos de 3 facilitadores por 2 visitas a instituciones educativas por 6 meses (*) (**)

u$s 25109.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 25109.00

Snack para 40 participantes por instituciones (*) (**)

u$s 8800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 8800.00

Human resources

5 profesionales cualificados para el diseño (**)

u$s 3100.00

u$s 3100.00

u$s 0.00

2 facilitadores de aprendizaje y 1 apoyo logístico general, 5 facilitadores para 4 intervenciones mensuales durante 5 meses; y 3 facilitadores para 2 intervenciones mensuales por 6 meses (**)

u$s 21326.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 21326.00


u$s 84456.00

u$s 5723.00

u$s 78733.00

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