Inclusive Gastronomic Neighborhood. Ñuñoa Square

Project that transforms Plaza Ñuñoa into an epicenter of labor inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities through community empowerment.


Ñuñoa, Región Metropolitana,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Economic development, Labor

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

Currently, the lack of adequate job opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities is a critical issue. More than 70% of people with intellectual disabilities in the community of Ñuñoa (Crescendo 2023) face a high unemployment rate, which limits their economic independence and full participation in society. This situation generates social exclusion and the loss of a valuable human resource, representing a deep-rooted problem that affects both individuals and the community as a whole.

The challenge is to create an inclusive environment that provides meaningful work opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. It seeks to comprehensively address the challenge of unemployment of people with intellectual disabilities in Ñuñoa, ensuring that they find meaningful employment and participate fully in the economic and social life of the community.

The project

The Inclusive Gastronomic Neighborhood project in Plaza Ñuñoa is presented as a comprehensive and pioneering response to transform public space into a dynamic epicenter of inclusion, highlighting the active participation of people with intellectual disabilities. This project is distinguished by its holistic approach, addressing not only labor inclusion, but also strengthening community cohesion and stimulating local economic development.

Fundamental Pillars of the Initiative:

  • Labor Inclusion through Training and Employment Programs: The Inclusive Gastronomic Neighborhood relies on specific programs designed to train people with intellectual disabilities in culinary skills and business management. These programs, implemented in collaboration with the Crescendo Foundation's "Incluyete" project, not only provide practical skills, but also build participants' confidence and autonomy.
  • Community Empowerment through Cultural Events and Promotion: In partnership with the Asociación Gremial del Barrio Gastronómico Comercial Plaza Ñuñoa, the initiative organizes regular cultural and promotional events. Themed festivals, food fairs and culinary demonstrations not only attract a diverse audience, but also strengthen community ties. These activities not only highlight the local culinary richness, but also encourage citizen encounter and participation.
  • Sustainable Economic Development at the Local Level: The Gastronomic Neighborhood not only aims to enrich the tourist offer of Plaza Ñuñoa, but also to become an engine of sustainable economic development at the local level. Collaboration with small businesses, restaurants and gastronomic entrepreneurs contributes to the economic revitalization postpandemic of the community.

Know more...

Ñuñoa, located in the Metropolitan Region of Chile, stands out as a diverse and active commune, with a population of approximately 163,511 inhabitants. Geographically, it is located in a strategic position, which has influenced its economic development. Its main economic activities are centered around the Plaza Ñuñoa, with commerce, gastronomy and services, being a meeting place for various cultural and artistic activities. This commune is not only recognized for its vibrant community life, but also for its commitment to inclusion and diversity.
Despite the positive characteristics of Ñuñoa, the problem of the labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities represents a significant challenge. As registered by Fundación Crescendo in 2023, about 70% of people with intellectual disabilities in the commune face the lack of adequate job opportunities. This figure directly impacts the economic independence of this group, generating not only individual challenges but also contributing to its exclusion from the social and economic life of the community. This situation has a negative effect on community cohesion and the general well -being of the population.
In addition, at the national level, according to the National Disability Study (Senadis, 2022), it is noted that 17.2% of the adult population in Chile presents some type of disability. Within this context, the labor inactivity rate for people with disabilities reaches a worrying 56.1%, which underlines the magnitude of the problem and the urgent need for effective interventions in this area.
Despite the challenges, several governmental organizations and programs in Ñuñoa have undertaken initiatives to address the labor inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Among them, the Department of Inclusion of the Municipality and the Municipal Office of Labor Intermediation stand out. These entities have worked on the creation of spaces and programs to facilitate the labor insertion of this vulnerable group. However, the magnitude of the problem and the need for more significant job opportunities indicate that a more comprehensive and sustainable approach is required.
In this context, the Crescendo Foundation arises as a key actor, with its commitment history and innovative projects to address labor inclusion, among which the first inclusive cafeteria in Chile stands out, Café bicited you. Despite the obstacles, the Foundation has demonstrated its ability to adapt and renewed commitment through the "Include" program, which seeks to train 135 people with intellectual disabilities in the gastronomic sector. This project aims to generate a positive impact both at the individual and community level, improving the quality of life and promoting labor, social and cultural changes in Ñuñoa.

  • Hub launch activity: a launch event will be organized that will bring together restaurants, representatives of community organizations, inclusion experts and community members. The event will include speeches, presentations and activities that will highlight the importance of labor inclusion.
  • Encounters Inclusive breakfast: These meetings and breakfasts will provide a space for dialogue and collaboration where participants can share ideas, experiences and challenges related to labor inclusion. Empathy and construction of support relationships will be encouraged.
  • Consulting and advice in inclusion to tenants: work inclusion experts will offer advice to participating restaurants, adapting their work policies and environments for the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. Consulting will address specific challenges of each establishment.
  • Perform recreational and tourist activities: participate in activities such as the Inclusion Fair, to promote audiences as fairs and exhibitions. Cultural, musical and tourist events and activities will be held around the Ñuñoa Square to promote gastronomic tourism and community participation in the inclusive gastronomic neighborhood.
  • Signature of the gastronomic neighborhood with 20 PCDI hired: a contract signature event will be held in which the labor inclusion of 20 people with intellectual disabilities (PCDI) will be held in the restaurants. Each PCDI will receive its contract and its contribution will be recognized to the inclusive gastronomic neighborhood.

Direct results:

  • At least 15 restaurants in the neighborhood with advisories and consultancies provided to strengthen their inclusion policies.
  • At least 6 recreational and tourist activities carried out in the Ñuñoa community to increase the visibility of the neighborhood.
  • At least 20 people with intellectual disabilities hired as bartenders, baristas, waiters, kitchen assistants and others in restaurants in the Inclusive Gastronomic Neighborhood.
  • At least 6 awareness campaigns carried out in the Ñuñoa community.
  • At least 100 people trained in the community on inclusion and disability issues and 30 PcDi trained in specific job skills.
  • At least 10 alliances with local companies and organizations to support labor inclusion.
  • Continuous placement of people with intellectual disabilities in jobs in the Inclusive Gastronomic Neighborhood.
  • At least 3 companies provide funding sources to ensure the sustainability of the project.
  • 1 annual HUB launch event to kick off the initiative.
  • 8 meetings to promote collaboration and mutual understanding.


  • Increase the percentage of IDCPs hired by 5% annually during the first 3 years, reaching 15% in the third year.
  • Increase by 10% the positive perception of IDPs by customers of the gastronomic neighborhood during the first 2 years, reaching 60% in the second year.
  • At least 50% of the restaurants in the neighborhood have measures for the inclusion and hiring of IDPs by the third year.
  • Increase the number of visitors by 15% annually during the first 2 years, reaching an average of 1,300 visitors per month in the second year.

  • Trade Association Barrio Comercial Gastronómico y Turístico Plaza Ñuñoa
  • Inclusion Network Ñuñoa
  • Latin American Network for Interreligious Cooperation on Disability RELACID
  • Universidades Neighborhood Council
  • Plaza Ñuñoa Neighborhood Board
  • Neo Inclusion Foundation
  • Nexo Inclusivo Company 
  • Local Bar 
  • Cafeteria Cafebreria 
  • Restaurant El Club El Dado

  • Josaphat Jarpa : Program Director, Crescendo Foundation,
  • Paola Rojas: Formalization Manager, Department of Productive Development of the Municipality of Ñuñoa,


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Equipos e insumos para formación gastronómica (*)

u$s 5500.00

u$s 2200.00

u$s 3300.00

Gastos actividades recreativas / turísticas (*) (**)

u$s 7700.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 7700.00

Equipos de oficina y tecnología (*)

u$s 6600.00

u$s 1100.00

u$s 5500.00

Suministros para 8 eventos (*) (**)

u$s 8800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 8800.00


Capacitación y certificaciones de habilidades laborales (**)

u$s 11000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 11000.00

Alquiler de espacios para eventos y oficinas (*) (**)

u$s 14300.00

u$s 6600.00

u$s 7700.00

Publicidad, promoción y comunicacióm (**)

u$s 8800.00

u$s 550.00

u$s 8250.00

Evaluación, monitoreo y contabilidad (**)

u$s 5000.00

u$s 1500.00

u$s 3500.00

Human resources

Salario coordinador, 5 personas para gestión y formación y 2 expertos en inclusión (*) (**)

u$s 93500.00

u$s 73700.00

u$s 19800.00

Patentes, permisos sanitarios y fondo de contingencia (**)

u$s 8800.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 8800.00


u$s 170000.00

u$s 85650.00

u$s 84350.00

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