We Are All Part

Initiative that promotes collaborative work for the management of urban solid waste and local development through the circular economy.


Costa Sacate, Córdoba,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Environment, Waste management

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

Our challenge is to ensure that the municipality of Costa Sacate consolidates a comprehensive waste management strategy that has a positive impact on the quality of life of the population and becomes an opportunity for economic development in vulnerable sectors.

Currently, all waste is disposed of in an open dump very close to the riverbanks and urban areas, which has negative consequences for the environment and the health of the population.

Furthermore, the lack of job opportunities results in a large portion of the population being unemployed. Therefore, we understand that promoting entrepreneurship through the Circular Economy is a strategy for both waste recovery and the employment integration of vulnerable sectors.

The project

This initiative aims to promote the implementation of an Integrated Urban Solid Waste Management System (GIRSU) in the locality of Costa Sacate. We propose GIRSU as a strategy for local economic development because we understand that proper waste separation lays the necessary groundwork for promoting activities related to the circular economy, which has great potential as an alternative for job placement and economic development for excluded social groups. By working collaboratively and participatively with local stakeholders, we hope to promote the continuity of this initiative over time by highlighting and emphasizing the environmental, social, and economic benefits of proper management of urban solid waste for both our municipality and the region in which it is located. To this end, we have outlined our proposal in the following components:

  1. Raise awareness and train public and private institutions in GIRSU: Theoretical and practical tools will be provided to decision-makers and social leaders so that they can lead the desired systemic change in their management. Environmental and sustainable development training sessions will be conducted for public officials and institutional representatives. Legal and technical support will also be available for the development of regulatory and budgetary instruments necessary for the implementation of proper integrated urban solid waste management.
  2. Promote sustainable management of MSW involving all local stakeholders: Collection points will be set up in local institutions that join the GIRSU program. Each participating institution will be part of the local change network, a space for exchange with community actors, which will devise and evaluate actions related to this initiative in bi-monthly meetings. Short videos and graphic material will be created to raise awareness about the importance of GIRSU in the community. Within the change network, work will be done to plan a shared annual local environmental agenda. The local change network will annually select and award a special prize to the most committed institutions and residents to the initiative.
  3. Promote the Circular Economy as a local development strategy: Once waste separation is implemented, a community composting facility will be built to manage organic compostables. The compost produced will be used as input in the community garden, which will be created with the aim of serving as an educational space and producing healthy, quality, and low-cost food. For the economic valorization of recyclable dry waste collected in institutional collection points, various training sessions will be held for circular economy entrepreneurs, including urban recyclers and excluded social groups. This component also includes plans to establish agreements with regional recycling companies and organize sustainable fairs and other events that provide opportunities to market products produced by circular economy entrepreneurs.

Know more...

Costa Sacate has a population of approximately 2500 inhabitants and is located 50 km from the city of Córdoba, the capital of the homonymous province in the Argentine Republic. The town is situated in a flat terrain with agricultural production. It functions as a "bedroom community," as a significant portion of the population commutes for work due to the lack of local employment opportunities. The locality has basic but outdated service provisions. About 90% of primary and secondary education students receive food assistance through the provincial PAICOR program, indicating a high percentage of families in a situation of social vulnerability (Secretary of Government of the Municipality of Costa Sacate).

Currently, the municipality lacks differentiated waste collection and any form of treatment for urban solid waste, which is disposed of in an open dump on the banks of the Xanaes River, 4 km from the urban area. This results in increased contamination of surface and groundwater used for human consumption, the proliferation of vectors, the burning of hazardous materials, and the dispersal of harmful ash, among other negative consequences.

The municipal government does not allocate specific funds in its budget, nor does it have an environmental department in its organizational structure. The community does not separate waste. Recyclers are not recognized in the community, and there is a significant number of unemployed individuals.

Currently, both the primary and secondary schools are involved in educational projects related to environmental protection, waste separation, and recycling. Municipal workshops are also conducted to teach how to make toys from recycled materials. Local collectors sporadically collect and sell cardboard and plastic. However, these actions are not organized and do not have a significant impact on the urban solid waste management system.

To achieve the goal of proper urban solid waste management, the municipality will lead the initiative developed in the Ayni Local Innovators Program, investing in the development of its human capital and generating new financing opportunities. Co-managed in collaboration with institutions and the local community, actions will be taken to raise awareness, provide training, implement waste management practices, and promote the value of recyclables. In this way, the municipality will mitigate the negative consequences of improper waste disposal and achieve new opportunities for local economic development.

1. Green Municipality

1.1. Professionalize and Raise Awareness in the Public Sector on Sustainable Development:  All local officials and managerial members of local institutions will be trained on the contents of the Yolanda Law. Collaboration with the municipal executive will be undertaken to incorporate the GIRSU Program into the 2025 municipal budget. This involves cost analysis, allocation of appropriate resources for waste management, and establishing differentiated rates reflecting the actual cost of the service.

1.2. Promote Resource Allocation and Responsibilities Through Budget and Legal Framework: A participatory approach will be taken to enact a GIRSU Ordinance and incorporate an environmental department into the municipal organizational structure. This action includes a comprehensive study of existing legislation related to urban solid waste (RSU) and proposing guidelines for improving municipal regulations.

2. Let's Join Forces.

2.1. Promote Sustainable Institutions Leading Systemic Change with the Municipality: Local institutions will be assessed for sustainability measurement. The incorporation of local institutions will be formalized through institutional adherence agreements. Short videos will be disseminated on institutional social media networks showcasing the current waste journey and its impact on health and the environment.

2.2. Facilitate Environmental Promoters Training within Local Institutions: Differentiated bins will be provided at institutional collection points. The spaces for co-creation and project monitoring will be consolidated through the local Change Network, meeting at least bimonthly. A shared environmental agenda will be created.

2.3. Recognize and Reward the Most Committed Institutions and Citizens: An annual fundraising event ("Town Festival") will be held, providing economic benefits for participating program institutions.

3. New Opportunities:

3.1. Promote Recycling Culture: Local and regional recyclers will be surveyed and identified. Agreements will be made with recyclers to market the collected materials from institutional collection points.

3.2. Implement a Logistics and Monitoring Plan for Institutional Collection Points: Logistics for collection will be planned by coordinating between recyclers and institutions, where the municipality will provide personnel and transportation as needed.

3.3. Enhance Business Opportunities and Income for Urban Recyclers and Vulnerable Local Population: Entrepreneurs will be trained in circular economy principles. An annual circular economy fair and other sustainable events will be organized.

3.4. Promote the Development of Circular Economy Microenterprises: A community composting facility will be established within a designated municipal space to compost organic waste. The compost from the community composter will be used as fertilizer for an organic garden and green spaces.

3.5. Create a Community Garden Providing Access to Affordable, Healthy Food for Vulnerable Populations: A space will be prepared for the operation of a community garden. Based on soil and climate analysis, species for cultivation will be selected. An educational space will be created within the garden for managing ecological gardening and other environmental education activities. It will be dedicated to school groups and individuals at risk of exclusion. A space will also be allocated for Costa Sacate residents interested in having an individual garden and wishing to share space with others to collectively cultivate food. The care of this garden will be entrusted to the group of residents.

Direct results

  • 100% of local officials trained in the Yolanda Law.
  • 1 GIRSU Program with allocated resources in the 2025 municipal budget. GIRSU Ordinance.
  • 75% of local institutions adhered.
  • 1 group of local promoters formed with at least two individuals from each adhered institution.
  • 50% of adhered institutions have institutional composters.
  • 1 shared environmental agenda, along with 5 short videos disseminated on institutional social media networks showing the current waste journey and its impact on health and the environment.
  • Bimonthly meetings of the Change Network held.
  • Collection Points Stations installed in 75% of local institutions.
  • 2 agreements signed with local or regional recyclers.
  • 2 training sessions for entrepreneurs in circular economy principles.
  • 1 community garden in production.
  • 1 Annual Circular Economy Fair.
  • 2 composting training sessions for students and the general public interested in the topic.

Expected impact

  • 150 out of the 500 households in Costa Sacate separate their waste correctly in the second year of intervention.
  • 50% reduction in the volume of waste dumped in the landfill in the second year of intervention.
  • 100% of public and private institutions in Costa Sacate are committed to GIRSU in the second year of intervention.

  • Public Services COOP of Costa Sacate
  • General San Martín Primary School
  • Retirement Center of Costa Sacate
  • Club Sportivo Costa Sacate (Sports Club)

  • Romina Centenaro, Secretary of Government of the Municipality of Costa Sacate (rominacentenaro@live.com)
  • Mariana Beltramo, Director of Proyecta Consultora (proyectapilar@gmail.com)


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

quinientos mts alambre (**)

u$s 217.27

u$s 0.00

u$s 217.27

cincuenta postes cerco (**)

u$s 2158.27

u$s 0.00

u$s 2158.27

cincuenta metros nylon invernadero (**)

u$s 172.66

u$s 0.00

u$s 172.66

herramientas huerta y compostera (tornillos, horquillas,rastrillos,clavos, manguera) (**)

u$s 530.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 530.00

dieciocho cestos diferenciados (**)

u$s 3159.71

u$s 0.00

u$s 3159.71

estructuras de puestos para artesanos (**)

u$s 2877.70

u$s 0.00

u$s 2877.70

galpón deposito recuperables (**)

u$s 43165.47

u$s 0.00

u$s 43165.47


sonido (**)

u$s 575.54

u$s 0.00

u$s 575.54

iluminación (**)

u$s 287.77

u$s 0.00

u$s 287.77

artistas (**)

u$s 1438.85

u$s 0.00

u$s 1438.85

Videos (**)

u$s 633.09

u$s 0.00

u$s 633.09

Human resources

profesional capacitador ley yolanda (**)

u$s 431.65

u$s 0.00

u$s 431.65

profesional asesor presupuesto (**)

u$s 1726.62

u$s 0.00

u$s 1726.62

agente a cargo (**)

u$s 2877.70

u$s 0.00

u$s 2877.70

agente a cargo del relevamiento de recuperadores (**)

u$s 345.32

u$s 0.00

u$s 345.32

profesional capacitador economia circular (**)

u$s 1726.62

u$s 0.00

u$s 1726.62


u$s 62324.24

u$s 0.00

u$s 62324.24

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