Mini Environmental Leaders

Environmental education program for children based on playful experimentation that promotes awareness and new regenerative cultures.


Godoy Cruz, Mendoza,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Environment, Climate change

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

Promote awareness and new environmental care practices with children as actors of change for the development of regenerative communities. Currently, 22 open-air micro-dumps cause socio-environmental damage in Godoy Cruz, resulting in a challenge for the management of urban solid waste.

The project

Since the problem to be addressed is of a socio-environmental nature, and new ways of approaching the community for the local management of urban solid waste are being sought, a participatory environmental education program is proposed for children from the Urundel neighborhood, which can then be replicated in other communities.

We chose to work with the children of the neighborhood, since they were detected as potential actors of change due to their curiosity, enthusiasm and participatory interest. It is through them that, in the medium term, a real transfer of self-management skills towards the construction of a regenerative community will be sought.

The program is consolidated through an inter-institutional network made up of different organizations and local actors, based on a three-phase scheme: 

  • Workshops and recreational/recreational activities related to environmental care.
  • Exchange, visualization and dissemination of prototypes and advances
  • Neighborhood interventions with the active participation of children and the adult population of the community. 

It is based on the following pillars: i) Environmental education based on playful experimentation, with the aim of fostering a transforming spirit in the construction of a regenerative community, ii) Resignification and revaluation of urban solid waste as a resource for education, infrastructure construction and commercialization, iii) Incorporation of circularity dynamics in the community, iv) Strengthening of community ties, and v) Training and technological development with community participation.

Know more...

Godoy Cruz is a department located within the metropolitan area of the Province of Mendoza, Argentina. It has a population of approximately 206,000 inhabitants and 107.3 km² of territory. 

With a clear focus on building a sustainable city model, the municipality has implemented various actions such as the Local Climate Action Plan (PLAC), Municipal Land Use Plan, differentiated waste collection at source, Godoy Cruz Green Dot, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Program, Waste Oil Program, Waste Batteries and Cells Program, Fluorescent Lamp and Tube Recycling Program, and Municipal Composting Program.

Despite these efforts, there are still areas of open-air micro-dumps, such as in the Urundel neighborhood, where approximately 116 families live. The characteristics of the terrain generate socio-spatial divisions within the neighborhood that do not contribute to the linkage and integration of the community. The southern sector, located in the highest part, is in the process of urban consolidation, while the northern sector is an informal neighborhood. The northern sector, located on a slope, is permanently exposed to environmental risks (flooding) and is the most vulnerable sector. 

There is also an accumulation of solid urban waste, possibly due to informal economic activities. Both the separation and burning of waste generate pollution sources with negative effects on the health and well-being of the community.

Phase 1 - Workshops and recreational/recreational activities

To offer a space where children can not only incorporate new knowledge, but also put it into practice, through manual activities, prototypes and experiences. The training of mini environmental leaders is complemented with education in technology and communication, in order to provide tools and opportunities for the future.

Phase 2 - Exchange, Visibilization and Dissemination

With a local and regional scope, the Program, its development and achievements will be made visible through the media and radio programs. An exchange dynamic will be incorporated with different groups of children activists of environmental care, among them, the Influencers X el Clima in Colombia, a program promoted by Low Carbon City. 

Phase 3 - Community engagement and regeneration

The active participation of the adult population of the community is promoted so that the program is also a space for community bonding and regeneration. In this instance, the children implement intervention actions in the neighborhood legitimized by community stakeholders: neighborhood union, picnic area, schools, churches in the area, local government.

Direct results:

  • 30 neighborhood children trained to identify and propose solutions to environmental challenges.
  • Consolidation of the Network of actors involved in the Program.
  • Theoretical/practical content for playful/educational workshops/activities in conjunction with the network of actors involved.
  • 10 "leader points" with illustrative signage and equipment for waste separation.
  • Shredding and melting of plastic waste from the neighborhood.
  • 30 children trained in plastic waste recycling and its use as a resource for the elaboration of technological artifacts.
  • 30 children trained in sports activities and food safety habits.
  • Technological artifacts/prototypes designed and elaborated by the children of the neighborhood together with the referents of the business laboratory of the ICT Pole.
  • Participation in a monthly broadcast of the radio "El Botellón" and publications in official networks of the actors of the Program Network.
  • 30/40 adults from the neighborhood, trained to identify and propose solutions to environmental challenges.
  • 30/40 adults from the neighborhood, trained to work together with the Mini Environmental Leaders.
  • Spaces for dialogue so that the Mini Leaders have an impact on the decisions that are made regarding the environment.
  • One exchange meeting per month with Influences x el clima, an environmental education program for children coordinated by Low Carbon City in Colombia.
  • Recovery of the neighborhood union "El Jarillal", for the use and disposal of the neighbors of the neighborhood.

Expected impact

  • Reduce by 10% the m2 of open-air micro-dumps in Godoy Cruz in 12 months.

  • ICA UNCUYO (Institute of Environmental Sciences of the National University of Cuyo).

  • Matías Dalla Torre - Director of Urban Planning of the Municipality of Godoy Cruz - Mendoza (Argentina)
  • Carolina Alzate - Low Carbon City Director - - Medellín, Antioquia (Colombia)


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Computadoras para Unión Vecinal (*) (**)

u$s 1698.11

u$s 0.00

u$s 1698.11

Piso tecnológico* para Unión Vecinal (**)

u$s 4009.43

u$s 0.00

u$s 4009.43

Mesones para talleres (*) (**)

u$s 566.04

u$s 0.00

u$s 566.04

Bancos/sillas (*) (**)

u$s 905.66

u$s 0.00

u$s 905.66

Material para la elaboración de juegos y actividades lúdicas (Material reciclado o reciclables de papelería, juguetes, cotillón entre otros) (**)

u$s 141.51

u$s 0.00

u$s 141.51

Gazebos (Para desarrollo de las actividades lúdicas) (*) (**)

u$s 169.81

u$s 0.00

u$s 169.81

Conjunto de Mesas y sillas (equipamiento móvil para actividades lúdicas) (*) (**)

u$s 106.13

u$s 0.00

u$s 106.13

Materiales para la construcción de huerta comunitaria en Unión vecinal (Maseteros, bolsones de tierra fértil, kits de herramientas de jardinería, bolsas con semillas) (*) (**)

u$s 242.92

u$s 0.00

u$s 242.92

"Puntos líderes" (Puntos verdes con cartelería didáctica) (**)

u$s 2830.19

u$s 0.00

u$s 2830.19

Remeras para Minilíderes ambientales y participantes (*) (**)

u$s 117.92

u$s 0.00

u$s 117.92

Mochilas para Minilíderes ambientales (*) (**)

u$s 471.70

u$s 0.00

u$s 471.70

Camión recolector (**)

u$s 9433.96

u$s 0.00

u$s 9433.96

Máquina trituradora de plástico (**)

u$s 1415.09

u$s 0.00

u$s 1415.09

Hornos para fusión de plástico y conformación de placas/ladrillos (**)

u$s 1485.85

u$s 0.00

u$s 1485.85

Equipamiento móvil para Cancha bustamante ( Arcos, Aros de básket, bancos, juegos infantiles) (**)

u$s 2358.49

u$s 0.00

u$s 2358.49

Construcción de Multicancha frente a la Unión vecinal (**)

u$s 3066.04

u$s 0.00

u$s 3066.04


Red wifi en Unión vecinal y Plaza/cancha en frente (*) (**)

u$s 283.02

u$s 0.00

u$s 283.02

Comunicaciones (medios de difusión) (*) (**)

u$s 1886.79

u$s 1886.79

u$s 0.00

Human resources

Docente para formaciones/capacitaciones en tecnología y comunicaciones (*) (**)

u$s 377.36

u$s 0.00

u$s 377.36

Personal a cargo de la coordinación de los talleres y actividades del Programa (**)

u$s 2641.51

u$s 0.00

u$s 2641.51

Personal de la Municipalidad de Godoy Cruz para realización de talleres

u$s 943.40

u$s 943.40

u$s 0.00

Personal - conductor de camión de residuos (**)

u$s 471.70

u$s 0.00

u$s 471.70

Personal técnico en redes para instalación de piso tecnológico (**)

u$s 235.85

u$s 0.00

u$s 235.85

Personal técnico para mantenimiento de servidor y piso tecnológico (**)

u$s 235.85

u$s 0.00

u$s 235.85

Personal de Low Carbon City para la realización de talleres (**)

u$s 2830.19

u$s 0.00

u$s 2830.19

Mano de obra construcción de Multicancha frente a la Unión vecinal (**)

u$s 1179.25

u$s 0.00

u$s 1179.25


Costo administrativo de transferencia de fondos (**)

u$s 8020.75

u$s 0.00

u$s 8020.75


u$s 48124.52

u$s 2830.19

u$s 45294.33

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