Empowering Young Women to Rise Above Challenges

An initiative to empower teenage girls with kids of unplanned pregnancies, teaching them the skills to build their own business and thrive with their families.


Kigali, Kigali,

Category / Sub-Category / Topic

Human development, Gender

Type of investment needed


Associated SDGs

The challenge

In the Bumbogo sector, 62 out of 85 teenagers aged 13 to 18, who suffered unplanned pregnancies are unable to afford basic needs and unemployed. It is very difficult for those girls, to live and satisfy the needs of their children. Those girls are from vulnerable families, and they live in bad conditions, without income. Some of them dropped out of school because of their pregnancies.

The project

Tina easy Solutions Ltd will provide skill building activities and employment opportunities to such teenagers and vulnerable women. Our aim is to support girls to return to school and afford their basic needs -food, housing-. Improving their living standards by providing knowledge.

This will be done with the following two specific objectives:

  • Motivating: We will accompany girls and motivate them. We will counsel them to change their behavior, for them to return to school and embark in innovative activities to change their lives.
  • Skill-building: We will build their skills through different activities, so they can learn to create their own businesses, through the creation of different commercial products, or access (better) jobs.

The initiative will start with a pilot for 30 women of the Mvuzo Cell (in Bumgogo).

Know more...

The Bumbogo sector is located in the Gasabo District, in the city and province of Kigali. The Bumbogo sector has a population of 48,274, 24,328 ( 50,4 %) of which is male, and 23,946 ( 49,6%) female. 30% of people living in the Bumbogo sector, Mvuzo cell, are teenagers, with ages ranging between 13 to 18 years old.

This sector of Bumbogo is a rural area, but near the capital of Rwanda country, Kigali City. There is a great movement of people who come from different corners of the country. This migration causes many problems to young girls, such as violence, family abandonment, street-living, and many other vulnerabilities. Even teenagers, who did not go to school, come to work in the area, for example, as home cookers.

We identified that unplanned pregnancies are a big problem in the sector. 62 out 85 young ladies (teenagers, aged 13 to 18) who suffered unplanned pregnancies, are currently unable to afford their and their children’s basic needs. They are unemployed and depend on their families, who cannot support them. Some had to drop out of school or performed poorly in classes. As a consequence, these girls are unable to develop careers or businesses, and perpetuate their poverty. That leads to malnutrition, lack of housing and overall poverty.

  • Census: We will visit the teenagers where they live, get to know them and carry that knowledge to foster a space in the community.
  • Renting a center: We will rent a center where the activities directed to the young girls will take place and where we can follow up on the development of the young girls.
  • Providing training: Through a series of training, girls will learn how to make hygienic products, will acquire art skills and train them on how to be innovative to create their own jobs. After 1 year in the program, girls will graduate: Tina Easy Solutions LTD will give out a certificate upon completing the course.
  • Providing counseling: Girls will be counseled to turn their lives around, return to school and to their families. They will also learn about reproduction and how they can protect themselves to avoid more unwanted pregnancies. The knowledge they will receive will help them to develop fully and improve their communities. Tina Easy Solutions LTD will support and follow up the girls after completing their training, to help them to execute the innovative ideas that could help them have a better life
  • Mentoring projects: We will visit young girls who have created their own businesses. Promoting and supporting the young girls’ operating projects, investing funds in their projects.

Direct results
  • A census is carried out.
  • A center is created.
  • 30 young girls from the Cell of Mvuzo go through training and counseling for 2 years.
  • Funds are invested in the innovative projects of 4 young girls in the cell of Mvuzo. 

Expected impact

  • 35% of young women with unwanted pregnancies can afford their basic needs within two years (30 out of 85 women).

  • Christine UMUGANWA - Founder and Managing director Tina Easy Solutions LTD (christineumuganwa6@gmail.com, tinabusiness53@gmail.com).


(*): In kind/pro bonus

(**): Financing

Goods and inputs

Equipment for the center (**)

u$s 5000.00

u$s 500.00

u$s 4500.00

Equipment for transportation (**)

u$s 20000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 20000.00

Sound system and camera (**)

u$s 5000.00

u$s 500.00

u$s 4500.00


Hygiene experts (**)

u$s 80000.00

u$s 1000.00

u$s 79000.00

Human resources

10 workers for the center for 24 months (**)

u$s 40000.00

u$s 500.00

u$s 39500.00


Transportation costs (**)

u$s 6000.00

u$s 500.00

u$s 5500.00

Funds for 4 projects (**)

u$s 4000.00

u$s 0.00

u$s 4000.00


u$s 160000.00

u$s 3000.00

u$s 157000.00

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